Non-Political Ranting: Unleash Your Anger ITT

@iron81 , so are we officially at weird yet?

I’m with your sister and niece, it’s better to be able to grab a whole bunch of silverware in one big handful to take them out. Plus if you use the separators, don’t you kinda have to touch the non-handles of the forks and spoons with your hands when you’re unloading?

I don’t use the separator, but I try to have each basket have a variety of utensils, since having all of the same utensils together could cause them to “spoon” against each other and keep all of the surfaces from being fully exposed to the water.


When my girls were in gymnastics the national anthem was played at the start of meets, and I doubt there were many non-family members in attendance.

Yeah, true that you have to touch the business ends of the forks and spoons unless you dump the whole thing onto a dishtowel or something. I do wash my hands though prior to doing that. I will admit I’m not entirely consistent in my quirkiness about certain things, like dishwashers.

They are correct. Silverware gets cleaner in clusters since the water ricochets.

Those individual slot tops are logical fallacies.

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I suppose this is possible with some lazy placements, but the off chance that happens is worth it for the satisfaction of taking out a whole handful of spoons in one swoop imo.

Anyone have experience with cleaning out white crustiness in a dishwasher that is probably preventing the soap compartment from opening consistently?

So my neighbors let me know they were going to be selling their house in the next months as the husband (trumpy fuck, like I’ve only ever see him wear Trump hats/shirts or Patriots stuff, but mostly Trump) is in the Army and getting moved back east somewhere. The house isn’t listed yet, but they told me what they were expecting to list it for. I have a couple of realtor friends and asked them if they had any buyers looking for this kind of house. One of them did, and I reached out to the neighbors and let them know I had a realtor with buyers interested in the house before they list it. They said okay, and I got the realtor in touch with them.

Realtor lets me know that her buyers put an offer in and my neighbors accepted. The offer is $30k over what they were going to list for ($560k), waiving inspection, and the buyers will let my neighbors stay in the house after closing (mid-March) until the end of April without charge in case the Army orders take a little while to come through.

I run into my neighbor today and tell him congrats on selling the house, it’s pretty cool you got it sold without having to list it, sounded like a nice offer, blah blah blah. Dude doesn’t even thank me for hooking him up with the buyers. I mean, not even a thanks, like it was a bother that he sold his house before he even listed it for more than he was going to ask for.

I wasn’t expecting dinner or a kickback or anything, but if any of my neighbors hooked that up for me when I was getting ready to sell my house I’d be a lot more thankful.

In addition to being a Trumpstain (his wife isn’t and is pleasant), he hasn’t been a real friendly neighbor. I’ll be happy to see him go, which I guess is thanks enough.


Let me get this straight. You saved him 3% in commission since he didn’t have to list and he got above asking? Is that right?

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No, they have a listing agent, but it wasn’t listed yet. The deal still went through the listing agent, however, the listing agent didn’t have to do much work. I don’t know if the listing agent will refund some of the commission or not.

But to your other question, yeah, he got $30k over what he was going to list it for. He may have gotten that much anyways after listing due to the market, but $530k was petty aggressive. I just had my house appraised and it came back at $500k.

Twitter on the iPhone is almost unusable. Giant ads every third tweet. Half the screen taken up with crap. Easy to miss batches of tweets between new and previously loaded. Just a disaster.

My issue with my wife was emptying. She’d put the glasses and coffee cups away right side up and I would turn them all over. She finally caught me doing it and couldn’t understand why I was so adamant. I told her it’s because I don’t like drinking dust and dead bugs with my coffee. She was down with ithe program after that.

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Me: Can I get one plain sugar please?
Starbucks person: What kind of sugar?
Me: Plain
Sbux: How many?
Me: One
Sbux: (hands me 2 Sugar in the Raw packets)

Can we go back to handling our own sugar and cream now please?

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Special place in hell for the guy who took the machine directly next to me in the empty gym

What’s worse than working at an Amazon warehouse?

Working at an Amazon warehouse while having to listen to “I like cold beer and my truck” country music for five hours straight.

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Don’t forget guns, pretty girl in red dress or cutoff jeans and saying Cahhhliforrnnnia in a nasally derogatory tone.

That shit is political too, even though it pretends not to be.

Take control of the country music and start playing Townes Van Zandt all day. But noon half the workers will be weeping and the other half will be drunk and playing the fiddle badly.

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Just got back from a family trip to Orlando. Overall very good trip, except for the return:

  • Scheduled to fly out on Southwest Saturday night at 9:50pm.
  • Get a text around 11:50pm Friday saying flight is cancelled, with no clear explanation. Didn’t see this text until Saturday morning.
  • Try to call Southwest to reschedule. On hold for two hours. No flights available online until at least Tuesday.
  • Expedia shows no rental cars available nearby.
  • Get lucky on Avis’s website - we can rent a large 7-person SUV for pickup at Orlando airport, drop off at Columbus airport. Great, confirmed.
  • Go to pick up the car at Orlando airport. “Oh, we actually can’t give you that category because you made the reservation in the last 24 hours. The best we can do is a Toyota Rav-4.”

  • The 3 kids are not pleased that they’re going to be stuck in the same row for a very long drive. I can sympathize, but am not particularly interested in this complaint.
  • Leave Orlando airport around 12:30pm Saturday, arrive home in Ohio at 5:15am Sunday. Wife drove for 2.5 hours, I drove the rest. Think I was hallucinating at the end. Ran into another Ohio family in a random gas station, also driving from Orlando because of a cancelled flight.
  • Complete zombie all day Sunday, still fairly useless yesterday.
  • Southwest has credited 4 of the 5 cancelled tickets (plus all 5 of the early bird reservations), with no explanation for the missing ticket credit.

It’s completely bonkers to me that there’s no recourse at all for Southwest cancelling these flights and not providing alternative transit or accommodations. And we were lucky to get a rental car, considering how many flights were cancelled - I have no idea what we would have done if we couldn’t get a car or flight. Slept in the airport for 2 days?

gjge Southwest


I had a similar problem with Southwest last year. They are terrible when flights get canceled because they don’t really work with other airlines.

There is a number that you can call to get compensation for costs incurred as a result of flight cancelations. You have to call them directly (you can’t get transferred from the main number). When you call that number you will be on hold forever and it’s not open 24hrs. Wife persisted for a few days and shook about $500 out of them (in future flight credits, so not great).