Non-Political Ranting: Unleash Your Anger ITT

People who applaud after a recorded version of the national anthem. Like, I’m just here to see my kid swim in a meet - don’t guilt me because I don’t put my hand on my heart or applaud after some crappy recording of the anthem.

They play it at swim meets now?

Is this a LOL Ohio thing or is it more common than that.

There are infinite reason to LOL Ohio, but I suspect this is nation-wide. I look forward to non-OH people responding.

It’s nation wide. The primary condition for playing the anthem at a sporting event is whether it draws fans other than the participants’ families.

This is getting weirder and weirder.

So, swim meets draw fans other than participants’ families?

My wife, after 48 years on this planet, still hasn’t figured out how a dishwasher works.

I guess she believes that as long as the dishes are in the dishwasher they will get clean, regardless if they’re facing the jets or buried in another dish. I feel like I spend half my day reloading the dishwasher.

Is this a common issue?


I feel this deep in my heart.


Do you have an old dishwasher? We just got a new one and you can just throw everything in there dirty as shit and it comes out clean. Didn’t know that was possible until I saw it for myself.

Letters written in a font that mimics human handwriting. The worst.


This has always been my goal for dishwashers and while it’s not to far from the truth, it’s not actually true. Since I hate doing dishes, I have really pushed the limits and there is stuff that can thwart the fanciest of dishwashers. But for nearly all routine stuff, I just shove it in there without thinking much.

As Fatboy points out, positioning can be an issue as well, especially if it is near max capacity.

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What did you get? Model number too, if you don’t mind.

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Yes, but I don’t get mad at my wife about it. I take inspiration from the fact that so much hope can exist in the world as exists when she loads the dishwasher. We should all dream so big.


I just load the dishwasher and don’t let anyone touch it. I’ve found so many bowls within bowls, upside down containers full of water and just inefficient space usage that I just can’t even.

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We just have a standard whirlpool dishwasher

Ok I definitely agree doing the dishes still suck and take some effort and my post of “yeah I have a dishwasher tip for you… get a new one!” probably wasn’t what he was looking for. Unless of course he does have an old bad dishwasher then he needs to hear this!

High school varsity does.

I like using the silverware separators and putting each piece of silverware in its individual slot. My sister and my niece both love pulling up the separator and just throwing the silverware into the container. Tilts me every time.


I am definitely the Mrs. Fatboy8 of my household. I knowingly just throw stuff in there suboptimally. If it doesn’t get clean, my strategy it to just take out what is clean and run it again. I personally find that to be less effort, but Mme Melkerson disagrees and often reorganizes the dishwasher after the kids and I have made our deposits.

@Fatboy8 , I’ve got a Miele Dimension. It washes like a champ. But even it can be thwarted by baked on food and suboptimal dish arrangements. It also has the 3rd row dedicated utensil rack which basically forces the utensils to be placed optimally. And if you like organization, the racks themselves are adjustable and can be reconfigured in a ridiculous number of ways to accommodate weird shaped stuff. Obviously, I don’t bother with that, but it’s there for those who would appreciate the functionality.

Still seems odd.

@spidercrab , is that what your meet was?

I didn’t take a survey, but it seems like the kind of meet where virtually everyone in attendance is a family member. Not a Texas-style Friday night lights football game.