Non-Political Ranting: Unleash Your Anger ITT

Get a password manager to manage your burners.

During the Floyd protests I told racists on Facebook streams to drink bleach with my real name. You will be fine.


I just checked my LastPass and the password is wrong and google chrome passwords inexplicably has twitter in the “never saved” category.

I guess this is also a rant about password managers I’ve got so fucking many now that it makes them all useless. I go to sign into any website and it’s like 1 user name spelled 8 different ways and I gotta guess the right one before I get locked out. Or I’ll have LastPass create a random password and then it won’t save the password and so I’ll lose it instantly and have to request a new new one.

Well nothing wrong with that but ya I just deactivated my Facebook account because it seems like the only thing I ever used it for was to taunt Trump supporters who attack my friends when they make political posts.


In fairness their god potus was telling them to do the same thing.

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Money finally refunded…

Three separate refunds for $78.59 and then two days later one more for $78.58.

Just got my first Christmas gift: A fucking jury summons.


It’s not the first time it’s snowed in New England. How hard is it to slide your kid’s ass down the hill, get out the way, and tell them not to walk up the middle. Twice in <60 minutes two kids got upended because their parents would rather Instagram their kids than be a parent.

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I don’t know if this has been mentioned before, but why is the act of driving a car such an insurmountable task for certain people? Here’s a re-enactment of a text conversation I had with my sister yesterday.

SISTER: I totaled the Elantra on my way to work but we are all okay.
ME: What happened?
SISTER: Cars stopped in a long line on highway and I rear-ended a truck. I was cited. Grateful no one was hurt.
ME: Me too.
SISTER: Only had liability on the car so likely a total loss.

I seriously think she’s wrecked more cars than I’ve owned, and I’m old. Her daughter has totalled at least three and she’s still a young adult. I don’t know. To me, driving seems not that hard. And if you know you can’t drive, why would you not carry collision? My real fear is that sis will get killed in a car crash some day, and I’ll have to kinda have to foster her three adult kids, who are generally train wrecks. As well as car wrecks.

Out of curiosity, how good of a driver does your sister think she is? Does she think she is average?

I think she knows she’s a scatterbrain. Her last car she bought was because of “safety”.

This is kind of an inevitable outcome of designing a society so that 99% of people can only go about their daily lives driving everywhere. In a world where you need to put warning labels on propane tanks telling people not to check for leaks with a match. In a world where you need to warn people not to eat silica gel packets. But sure let’s make it so that the only way people can get to a grocery store is by manually operating 3000 pound chunks of metal that go 60 MPH.


Wat :thinking:

Just checking in to say people who start scanning their shit in the self checkout line before you are done loading your groceries into your reusable bag are the nut low.

I’m already OCD as frick and speed load my groceries.

Is there a CYE episode that addresses this issue?

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Did you know that if your neighbors dog attacks the mailman the usps can refuse to deliver the mail to your neighborhood? I didn’t until last week! And now our entire cul de sac has gotta go pick up their fucking mail at the post office until the dog dies or idk the family sells their house and moves. Just a little PSA if anyone has neighbors with shitty horrible dogs.

Have you considered killing the dog?

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When you say neighborhood, what exactly are we talking here? If you live in an urban area, that could be hundreds, or even thousands of people.

Is it just a certain radius from the dog?

Sorry for me personally I live on a street that is a cul de sac with only a few houses. Some googling says it’s happened to entire streets and blocks before. I don’t think there is an exact rule on how far they can suspend service.

Hey it’s not the dogs fault the owners leave him alone all day to bark for 30 minutes every time a car pulls onto our street, or that when they’re home they leave the garage door open so it can run away.

I’m totally fine with animal control killing the dog though. My roommates are bleeding heart dog lovers that don’t want anything to happen to it. In fact they’re convinced our letter carrier is lying and they wanted to go ask the neighbors for their ring camera footage to exonerate the dog. Cause like, if they had footage of their dog attacking someone; they would just hand that over to us.