LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Do you plan to vote in November?
  • I plan to vote in the November 2022 elections (broadly supporting Democrats)
  • I plan to vote in the November 2022 elections (broadly supporting Republicans)
  • I plan to vote in the November 2022 elections in limited contests only
  • I do not plan to vote in the November 2022 elections despite being eligible
  • I am ineligible or otherwise N/A

0 voters

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Seems that I can only vote in presidential elections since that was the lone race on my absentee ballot which arrived the day before the election.

:heavy_check_mark: Fetterman for Senate
:heavy_check_mark: Shapiro for Governor
:heavy_check_mark: Dem for Lt Governor
:heavy_check_mark: Dem for any judicial positions
:question: On the rest, including US House


did what now


fuck Congress.

But by all means, don’t vote and let nutjobs talking about CRT and grooming take over your school board and planning group and city council. That will certainly help.

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Don’t think the drilling approvals need congressional approval

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Lolololololol no

being so upset you’re doing little so we’ll do nothing at all instead makes no sense at all

you deadlock congress when you want them to stop doing things

anyway there’s also this

so for the democrats against fetterman thing, they never were–people were just making things up in their own minds b/c it fit their narcissistic narrative.

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LOL the entire eDem crew went all in for DNC poster child Conor Lamb who lost by 50 points


Yeah but that was the fault of the progressives please send me $12 so I can read a poem about it on TV.

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Bro. Bro pls.

Looking at these results, and the nihilist left appears to have a really powerful megaphone.

I’m voting for a giant fireball that burns everyone alive. I just don’t know if there’s enough room on the ledger to write that out.

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The giant fireball has a name, you know.

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Actually he’s making women deliver, but close enough.

So because they’re backing him over Dr. Oz, you’re going to claim they were never against him? And what, 12-13 senators are your evidence? I’ll assume Bernie, Markey and Liz are three of the 12-13 by the way. Casey is probably one because he’d be a moron not to be. Schumer has to be. So the evidence is basically that 7-8 of the remaining 45 Dems are campaigning for him over the Republican?

Come on.

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Nice summary here - Manchin was never going to make any deal. Never.

Vote harder for him.