LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Progressives have no power if Republicans win. Progressives have power via the taking of hostages and being to block legislation if Democrats win.

Progressives have failed by being insufficiently Machiavellian in Congress. If progressives were less pacifistic, maybe they’d be more effective fighters.

That’s why I wouldnt vote for any Democrat that voted yes on infrastructure.

I was about to rip you for proposing blowing up the debt ceiling, but there would be plenty of Republican votes for that if the Progs seemed remotely serious. Because failing to act on that is terrible. So I’ll just lol.

Well the alternative is that Dems are going to get blown up in the fall in large part since they abandoned progressives, so….

Good luck getting the new House to vote to raise the debt ceiling! Their likely leadership already has said not happening without major entitlement cuts!

You can feel free to rip me btw. Vast majority of people on here use you as a contraindicator :smile:

Democrats got: to pass the bill and claim a bipartisan victory

Republicans got: to essentially write 90% of the bill

Corporations got: exactly what they wanted

You got: to write “lol” a lot on here despite being 90% wrong


Mr. Manchin’s position in the negotiations represents a shift from a view he has held for much of the year. For months, he repeated that he would support a bill that raised taxes, reduced drug costs, provided support for energy production and narrowed the deficit. He also said he would support boosting taxes to reduce the federal budget deficit, a move he said would ease inflation.

even this is revisionist, progressives only caved after nancy went and rounded up a couple of republicans so that it was going to pass even without the progressives.

Yeah anytime anyone suggests the eDems are incompetent and not in on it, you can simply point to how efficiently they rolled progressives on BBB. It was a work of art.

Manchin is the best negotiator in the Democratic Party. Too bad he’s a conservative coal baron.

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Morning all. Fuck Joe Manchin. That’s it. That’s the post.


In USA#1 America, you don’t fuck Joe Manchin. Joe Manchin fucks you.


And my imaginary unborn future offspring.


I’m really excited to see how Manchin plans on doing deficit reduction without increasing taxes on the wealthy. I can’t wait to find out if the rest of us are getting a tax increase or spending cuts. Maybe both!

I for one find it shocking to learn Joe Manchin has not been negotiating in good faith. I mean it almost looks like his actions are part of a coordinated campaign to run out the clock on Democratic control of the Senate.

That VORP tho.


At least we can all rest easy knowing his daughter is still a free woman despite committing various crimes price fixing epipens. Land of the free baby!


She’s a model American making her father proud.

Very good point. I wasnt sure if that was enough to get it done with all the progressive caucus voting no or if that got them over the hump with the help of some initial progressive defectors.

It shocks one of our newer posters who, earlier this week, was running one here to dunk on progressives for not celebrating this victory.