LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

It most likely leads to the same place either way, it’s just a matter of how quickly. It’s debatable whether there’s a higher chance of avoiding that outcome by voting for eDems or not voting or writing in a third party.

If eDems were actually fighting back with the tools in their arsenal, that would be a different story. But they’re not.

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You’re equating Biden and Trump.



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It’s incumbent upon you to learn and accept that some promises are goals and won’t necessarily be achieved in a particular term.

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Uncle Joe kept his most important promise

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I couldn’t agree more with commonwealth. We get to the same place only slower. Is that really any better?

Say what you want about Trump but he ran (and WON!!) in 2016 campaigning on a populist agenda. I’m so sick to death of centrist Dems blaming progressives for not falling in line and voting for their shitty establishment nominees. Keep asking for our votes and doing nothing then asking for them again so things can get worse only more slowly

I’m starting to look over my 2022 voting choices and if a candidate doesn’t line up with at least 60% of policies I’m in favor of they can fuck off and I don’t care who wins instead of them. Is 60% (or just more than not) really asking too much?

That McSweeney’s article " We Would Do Something, But Then We Wouldn’t Have the Power to Do Something, So We Can’t Do Something" should win a Pulitzer or whatever

Depends how weird your list is.

I’m a single issue voter and will support anyone that hangs Mike Pence.


I misspoke. It doesn’t even have to be 50% if it’s important issues like climate change, equal rights, universal healthcare, etc.

We have a huge messaging and by extension, voting problem in the Democratic party. But the bottom line is, the status quo won’t cut it when it comes to winning elections

Just think of the opportunity that’s going to be wasted! As bad as this SCOTUS ruling was, it was a gift on a silver platter to Dems. Imagine how hard we would crush these 2022 elections if we had even a semblance of an effectual president. What a wasted opportunity

The majority of Ds in Congress support those things, though not all of them.

They did achieve their key goals. No major changes to the tax code, more defense funding, more police funding, security for Brett Kavanaugh, eliminating progressive challengers to incumbents. I just have different goals then current party leadership.



I was unfair. I inadvertently left out using the McConnell infrastructure bill to keep progressives at heel.

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Pretending the infrastructure bill wasn’t a progressive win just proves your bad faith

The infrastructure bill was a Democratic win but not a progressive win. Progressive wins happen if the progressive position is implemented when it is not close to identical to the mainstream liberal position.


Progressives only passed the bill because Biden promised to get BBB passed and many have denounced the bill as a stand-alone, particularly on climate. You, much like Dem leadership, are acting in bad faith to pretend otherwise.

This was partly the fault of progressives though. They allowed themselves to get played by giving up their leverage and didn’t make leaders (particularly Schumer and Biden) pay enough of a price for their outright lies. This is where I agree with NBZ, once Biden failed to deliver BBB progressives should have withheld votes on debt ceiling and other critical legislation until they were made whole.

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Was it though? What did they gain? Seems like by midterms exactly no one is going to give a flying fuck that infrastructure passed and the spending in the bill is going be pinned on Democrats as helping to cause Bidenflation rather than as some sort of Dems deliver bipartisan achievement. Plus I could have voted against the GA Senators in 2021 and gotten a reasonable facsimile of the same bill.