LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop


Congress is going to increase the Biden defense request on a bipartisan basis. WSJ wrote about it this week while whining that defense isn’t back to 6 percent of GDP.


It is the SALT bullshit again. Dems will probably cave on this.

The only thing even remotely civil war-ish I could see happening (this wouldn’t be until after like a decade of total fascist nonsense) is a bunch of blue states making a genuine push to secede together, and after some threats and saber-rattling, whatever batshit crazy Trump-adjacent administration is in charge saying “go ahead, we’re better off without you”. Followed by going all surprised pikachu when those states take 2/3 of the GDP with them.

I don’t know what you expect a modern civil war to look like. Unlike the previous one there is no clear divide like the north and south. Both sides are completely intertwined and woven within each other. Just go look at the US voting map by party. There are pockets of red and blue in every state. Not to mention the shipping logistics and how the red areas completely control those.

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Came here to post how embarrassing this is for him. Actually incredible to think that people may look back on Obama’s failure to contain the GOP and reluctance to get with the times as one of the worst things that ever happened to our country.

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I expect it to look like a rural-based insurgency with attacks on government targets, acts of terrorism, and other tactics of asymmetrical warfare committed by separate militias that don’t organize or coordinate closely with each other but act independently.

Imagine a better-armed version of the Palestinians with a large area where they can hide, complete freedom of movement, and the ability to blend in, with wide popular support in rural areas to make it hard to go in and hunt them down.

I think you may need to do a 180.
Substitute urban for rural in your post.
The war will happen after the fascists have taken over thru rigged elections and have sucessfully subverted democracy. The “good” guys aren’t even trying.

This. He has the who is the insurgent part completely backwards. Why would conservatives start a civil war, they are going to control all levers of power indefinitely outside of a handful of blue states.

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I actually believe Dems can win in 2024.


“Dems can win” as in regain/maintain control of Congress too? I mean I can see plenty of situations where they keep the White House, mainly ones where a low-energy Trump is running and Biden is smart enough to step aside. But I can’t see them controlling more than that.

I think a path towards Dems controlling both the White House and Congress is more likely than many here seem to think. I can also see an insurgency in states where Democrats control governorships.

Biden winning reelection in 2024 and then doing ~nothing again for four years (with much of what he does do slapped down by a conservative court) isnt going to spark a civil war. Thats in the 1/10 chance where the Dems control government in 2024. My money is on we are in the last six months of Dems controlling the Federal government that most of the posters on this board will ever see.

Dems controlled the House from 1955-1995, think we are on the cusp of the Republican version of that.

There was a bunch of you arguing up thread that running for school board or other local office would make no difference. If you don’t want to listen to me, listen to her:

(part of a longer thread)


I’ll vote for national Dems if they keep their promises.

If we made you the President today, you would be unable to keep all of Bidens promises. Even if we let you exclude the ones you disagree with.

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Right. Dems won’t complete any of their promises. Hence why I don’t bother to vote in Federal elections anymore.

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Allowing Republicans the authority to act on and keep their promises is complicity in their agenda.

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Yes. I am complicit as I have voted for the eDems who have allowed Republicans to have this authority.

Not voting for awful eDems leads to something far worse, correct.