LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

The current crop of dems are also an existential crisis tho

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Are leaked quotes from Super Duper Secret ā€œclosedā€ meetings the new Sternly Worded Letter?

Imagine reading this and thinking WOW BOOM NANCY MEANS BUSINESS!!

I mean the republicans arenā€™t planning on governing a democracy.


VOTE VOTE VOTE so they can give away the seats you elect them to

More vote harder drivel

Every one of these quotes should have the follow up questions ā€œhow many votes do you needā€ so these mealy mouth morons dont come out after a miracle narrow Dem win this fall and say ā€œoh we obviously meant we need 60 Senate seatsā€

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60 seats would be good. 65+ would be great to have a little wiggle room for the swing state sens. Every seat helps.

They arent getting 60 seats you fucking child. The civil war fantasies are more realistic than 60 seats.

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Which is why trying to win a civil war is a more realistic strategy than trying to win 60 seats.

Progressives arent going to win a civil war. They are going to be the side fighting the government and will get slaughtered if it comes to that. If winning 60 seats or winning a civil war is the requirement then it is game over. The only question is if you want to fight a losing fight or flee to a different country or defect to the facist side.

Iā€™m not fleeing and Iā€™m not defecting.

I applaud your courage. If we get to civil war you will probably die or end up in a camp.

I assume I will die, but Iā€™ve always had many paths to not living to 60.

Itā€™s not really courage. I donā€™t really have much of an option to flee and too much pride to back down and defect. And I donā€™t think my life is worth much so itā€™s not like Iā€™m risking anything of value.

Imagine earnestly writing this email in 202x. LOL Obama forever and always:

Lol just absolutely cucked by a fucking meth addict. SMH.

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