LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

What is the current number of people who have ever voted for Kamala Harris to be (or run to be) president of the United States? Is it even 6 figures?

I hope she runs and then in the “town hall” segment of the debates when someone asks her why she didn’t so more she can indignantly snap at them “DO WHAT!?!?”

The last thing to cheer for in American democracy is the drama and comedy moments in Presidential debates. Proceed governor / fly on Mike Pence, etc. etc.

She dropped out before Iowa, so way under 6 figures. Might not even be 4 figures.

Wikipedia says she got 129 in New Hampshire (0.04%) as a withdrawn candidate.

I don’t know, who else are the eDems gonna run if Biden drops out? Mayo Pete? Booker? lolHillary? Handing the nomination off to the Veep is a pretty standard move for both parties, name recognition alone gets you some votes…

I would prefer not to allow the super rich to hold tax policy hostage so the very wealthy don’t have to pay a few thousand more per year in taxes. It’s not ideal but it’s far better than the status quo.

Definition of a champagne problem.

Greg Price is utter trash. Signal boosting his nonsense is bad.

She never ran before? Lol so it’s almost certain that more people have voted for “fuck you” than for Kamala.

Ok, but it’s a bit of a problem for electability.

She was a Senator from CA where she won 7.5 million votes vs her opponent (also a Dem) with 4.7 million. She did run for President in the Democratic primary for 2020, but dropped out before any votes were cast because her campaign was a disaster and she was on track for a big loss.

She might literally be the worst candidate possible electorally, among those with non-zero equity.

Rs didn’t do it for Cheney. Maybe they would have but he didn’t want it? I don’t remember.

I do remember Biden’s reason for not running in '16. But if he wanted that, not sure Hillary would have just stepped aside.

I will not accept if nominated and will not serve if elected.-Cheney in late 06. (quoting Sherman)

But why?

I always thought that hacking someone’s pacemaker/defibrillator would be a great movie subplot. I’ll bet it has been done and I just haven’t come across it.

I believe he actually had a heart implant.

Homeland did this, I believe.

Yes. Homeland S1 was pretty amazing, it would have been legendary if they had gone with the original plan to end the show after 1 season.

Republicans have trained their base to vote against Democrats no matter what. Democrats need to do the same.

Vote against Republicans no matter what because they are an existential crisis on a level far greater than what Republicans believe about allegedly socialist Democrats. I’m not going to try to convince anyone that Democrats are great because a lot of them aren’t, but the idea that both sides are the same is ludicrous. Bothsidesism from the left rather from the center is still people ignoring reality to justify doing nothing.


Republican strategies don’t necessarily work with Democrat voters though. The asymmetry is a fundamental part of US politics. Republican voters never ask “why”, they just want to be on a winning team and punch down at weak people. You can’t whip people into an emotional fury when they are interrupting you all the time to ask “why?” and demand evidence.

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