LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

That was a different proposal to raise taxes on people making more than $10 million a year.

This proposal sounds like it makes a lot of sense, but good luck passing a tax increase that primarily affects lawyers, doctors and finance bros.

Thatā€™s a huge part of the eDem base. Lots of professionals and corporate manager types are not going to be happy with a Dem party that wonā€™t increase taxes on people making over $10M a year but come looking for more from people that make $200k to $500k. Like, yes, those people should pay lots of taxes but they also shouldnā€™t have a lower tax rate than decamillionaires with tons of strategies to structure everything as capital gains, roll over amount tax free to their kids, etc., etc. Going after the professionals for more tax without any reasonable social contract that taxes even richer people more, thatā€™s going to alienate their last remaining demographic of enthusiastic supporters.


Yeah, this is a huge problem in a nutshell. If youā€™re were a 200K to 500K person, voting blue after this is going to be rage-inducing AF, if you can bring yourself to still do it.

It would make a bunch of them choose between their loyalty to the Dems and their ability to pay the exorbitant private school fees that they know they need to pay to buy their kidsā€™ way into the upper class. Iā€™m pretty sure a lot of reliably blue higher earning voters would revolt if the eDems are offering: no taxes on the people richer than them, higher taxes on them, and no help to poor people. Youā€™re basically offering them a package to pay more taxes to subsidize the people richer than them.

Yeah, this is problem. I know a good number of such people. They may not vote Trump. But they would almost certainly stay home. And they could absolutely be talked into DeSantis.

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Unless thereā€™s some massive turnaround in the economy, Biden seems like the weakest incumbent candidate in a lifetime.

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Trump was pretty awful as an incumbent candidate because he has his cult, but everyone else hates him.

Trump was more invulnerable to being primaried than Biden is. Both are yuuge favorites, but Trump was yuuger.


Some decent money to be made if Biden is really a yuge favorite.

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Thatā€™s a bit different because you lose if he dies or decides not to run. But if he does run, then he is a bigly favorite in the primary.

: Itā€™s Happening.gif but with Jimmy Carter instead of Ron ā€œStrokesyā€ Paul.


Joe Biden died last year and his brain was replaced with the sentient Google AI

itā€™s a silly attempt at a gotchaā€¦ but iā€™m assuming everyone here is smart enough to know that a teleprompter would never have ā€œrepeat that lineā€ on it for this very obvious reasonā€¦

he obviously stuttered saying ā€œlet me repeat that lineā€ or something similar

Kamala $.16 is insane

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youā€™re overestimating a typical doctor salary.

dunno thereā€™s at least a 16% chance of biden just dropping dead before 2024 right?

I think plenty of doctors (and lawyers and finance bros) make $400k.

yeah even if biden announces today heā€™s not running sheā€™s drawing dead, just an absolute flop given the opportunity she was handed

Could rewrite ā€œCalifornia Uber Allesā€ with Gavin Newsome instead of Jerry Brown.

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