LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

As more and more states enact full abortion bans, some with no exceptions for incest, rape, or the life of the mother, and Biden does ~nothing about it, do you think that 64% is going to go up or down?

And let’s be clear, that 36% is enough for someone legit to jump into a primary race and raise money, so if someone with name recognition wants to jump in and go hard in the paint and go all-in on this race, they have a shot. Imagine someone younger who is better spoken just going in on him in a debate over his inaction.

I wonder if Stabenow is going to retire before her next election? Seems likely to be a strategic move on his part. Indiana was pretty much a dead end for him.

A rerun of Teddy Kennedy vs Jimmy Carter?

Because that’s what 70-something-year-old Democratic Senators do: retire.

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If Biden runs he’ll win the nomination. Remember last time when the establishment pulled out all the stops to pull his old ass over the finish line and he basically cruised after SC? It’ll be like that except he’s the president this time so it’ll be even better for him. He may lose an early state or two or have some close calls, but if there’s one thing the D machine can do it’s crush primary opponents into a fine powder. Granted if he faces any kind of headwinds in the primary it’ll be a harbinger of a 35+ state DeSantis romp, but such is life.

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He also wasn’t 40 points underwater in favorability in 2020. The machine will back the best horse to beat the GOP. Get ready for some focus groups.

I don’t know man. I know we are high info but I literally don’t know a single person at this point who is still in for Joe fucking Biden.


The only real primary challenge to a sitting president that I can remember is when Kennedy almost knocked off Carter. Fucking Kennedy, what an asshole.

Didn’t Saint Reagan also almost knock off Ford? Nevertheless, people may not be in for Biden but I doubt it will be too hard for the establishment to scare them off of whatever alternatives may surface. Incumbency is insanely powerful, even if the incumbent is shitty garbage. Hopefully he decides he doesn’t want to deal with the bullshit and chooses not to run again.

The whole eDem machine loves Biden and if they all rally behind him it will be easy for the voters to buy into a “We Gotta All Pull In The Same Direction To Beat The Republicans” narrative. Only Dem primary voters get to pick the nominee, and the centrist/party loyalist types will enthusiastically vote for Biden unless there is an AOC type miracle candidate that they can’t stop from bringing in a whole bunch of new voters to win.

I guess he did challenge him in the primary. Not sure how close it was and if Reagan actually won any states like Kennedy did.

I just went and looked it up, apparently it was really fucking close

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People should learn from Reagan naming a “liberal” Republican as his prospective running mate in an attempt to pander to moderates and instead pissing off enough conservatives to give Ford enough votes to win on the first ballot after he failed to lock up enough votes in the primaries.


Looks like he learned from Beto’s failures.

In a world where Biden is unpopular enough to lose a primary campaign, the D nominee gets rofl stomped in the general. In a world where Biden is unpopular enough to draw a serious challenge, the Ds still lose: Carter, Ford, Bush Sr., Johnson.

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So, 2024.


The Democrats’ plan would extend an existing 3.8 percent net investment income tax to so-called pass-through income, earned from businesses that distribute profits to their owners. Many people who work at such firms — such as law partners and hedge fund managers — earn high incomes, but avoid the 3.8 percent tax on the bulk of it.

The new proposal would apply only to people earning more than $400,000 a year, and joint filers, trusts and estates bringing in more than $500,000, in accordance with Mr. Biden’s pledge that he would not raise taxes for people who make less than $400,000 a year. The proposal is similar to a tax increase Mr. Biden proposed in 2021 to help offset the cost of a set of new spending programs meant to help workers and families, like home health care and child care.

Didn’t they just yank planned tax increases on high earners?

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