LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

lol no

well, actually, yes. he can absolutely win the nomination, he would get curbstomped in any general.

they “do” stuff yea but lots of it is wasteful lip service that doesn’t ever seem to accomplish much in my view. it’s a single party state with a budget surprlus somehow so it isn’t hard for them to snap their fingers and get stuff to happen easily.

there are things I do like, dont get me wrong - like how we tend to use our raw GDP as a cudgel to force other states to follow our environmental laws or other random stuff like how to treat domestic animals. that’s becoming less effective over time, I think, but I like the attitude. we could easily exist as our own independent nation and we act like it.

i just tend to bristle at what I see as corruption in CA democrats, it is rampant and blatant anymore

Newsom for absolutely certain gets more votes in 2024 than sleepy joe.


I could see Newsom “balancing” a ticket with Pritzker at the top.

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Biden isn’t nearly unpopular enough to lose a primary fight. You’d have to convince him to not run. His people are signaling he will run, though that can change.

with a guaranteed 4 more years at governor and probably a super cushy career after, hard to see why he’d ever gamble on a presidential bid. curiously, i only now am just hearing about the FLA ads. his campaign stuff that reaches me never mentions that.

This is absolutely not true, only 1/3 democrats say the country is headed in the right direction and his approval among democrats was only 70% before the abysmal Dobbs response. His approval is lower than Trumps! And he’s really really fucking old

I’ll take “tweets by a staffer” for 1000 Alex

The Democrats poll numbers improved after Dobbs. A lot. Most Democrats don’t expect him to do anything other than appoint justices.

Let me be clear: If it comes down to protecting the filibuster or a woman’s right to choose: I’ll have the Minestrone and a Sanka.


Let me be clear: If it comes down to protecting the filibuster or a woman’s right to choose, I will purple hotel celebrate the Susan. Does anyone smell toast?


Did you read the article in The New Yorker about him? I think it fills in those blanks.

Spoiler: absolutely breathtaking ego

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I know this shouldn’t matter but his wife is gorgeous and his family photos look like a Ralph Lauren commercial. That shit alone will win over more suburban voters than any David Shor bullshit.

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This man suburbs

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Well when its Newsom vs DJTjr in 2028 “Your girlfriend can never unlick my asshole” will be a good campaign slogan.


He’s ahead of kamala on predictit right now

This opens up the possibility of a Buttigieg-Pence 2024 unity ticket.

This stuff is miles ahead of Biden. No bland platitudes, direct clear instructions and the stakes of doing it


But she’s so shrill. Why doesn’t she smile more?