LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop


If most of the senators really want a Roe v Wade law, Feinstein’s corpse won’t be the holdup.

That said, I’m not convinced they actually want this. Even if Democrats somehow keep everyone plus pick up senate seats in PA, WI and NC or OH, I don’t think this gets done.

We need to learn the difference between not wanting to do something and not willing to blow up norms to do said thing.

I’m old enough to remember when this was called “conservatism” and it was something that liberals opposed!


Bless his heart, Iron will still be talking about “muh norms” on his way to the gulag, and still without a hint of irony. The man is dedicated.


You control all 3 branches of government. What norms? The filibuster as a “norm” was invented like 35 years ago.


No they don’t. The Democrats control 2 branches of government. One of those branches requires unanimous agreement to exercise that control.

I’m fascinated by the nihilists’ energy. Paradoxical.

Counterpoint: Fuck norms. Do the thing that is good.


Yea sorry I meant the presidency and both branches of congress. Congress passes laws and the president issues executive orders. Where are either of those?

The senate unanimously passed a bill to protect scotus justices. Within less than a week. Despite all the claims about how hard it is to pass things these days. A reasonable person would conclude that the Democrats simply don’t care about abortion that much.

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If you’re going to hang Sinema’s world view on “the Democrats”…


Can’t blame “the Democrats” for Sinema’s actions, just the Democrat’s majority leader in the Senate:


2017 was a much different time.

I think this:

Probably more closely approximates Schumer’s view now that she has torpedoed his agenda.

Article notes that at the time Sinema had already voted against Pelosi as Speaker twice. Did it for right wing reasons rather than any Pelosi criticisms that would resonate on this board.

Other articles from that time note that Sinema impressed with her prolific corporate fundraising. Today, she is just continuing behavior that resulted in her being rewarded with a Senate seat with Chuck’s blessing.

And the D establishment playbook that resulted in D leaders “accidentally” blocking their voters wishes continues today:

The Democratic Party prioritizing incumbent protection over ideology is just something you have to work around.

Can this guy actually win the nomination

He married Kim Guilfoyle

this guy is such a fucking corrupt sleazeball. you may as well light this $100 million on fire. they started this process years ago and still have yet to find a drug manufacturer to partner with (dont worry, just a few more months!”) and are completely vague about the details of such an initiative.

in typical corrupt CA dem fashion this will likely end up costing 10-30x more and the only benefits anyone will see are for the people who properly greased the wheels of corruption in sacramento. what a fucking joke. this guy sends me campaign texts almost every day which I have tried to opt out of but always manage to receive them anyway.

even if he could manage to produce a manufacturing plant that could pump out doses at cost for 3+ million californians, there’s way more that ends up being tacked on to that final bill than the raw manufacturing cost, which they know damn well. insurers will just pocket the profits, guaranteed.

this system is completely fucking hopeless.

Generally agree, but he and the CA dems snap-reacted to Roe being overturned. Like, they actually did stuff. Of course they also used it as an occasion to ask everybody for $6 or whatever, but while Harris is like “Do what now?”, at least he did something.

He also has a strong troll game with his Truth Social posting and his ads running in Florida. We get a shit sandwich no matter what happens, might as well make some assholes mad.