LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

“newer poster”




LOL who is still falling for this shit

He’s trying to drag this along and get the Biden administration to approve some additional drilling as part of a horse trade where he considers climate measures at a future date. The eDem droolers are already lapping it up, we’ll see if Biden goes along with it as a willing fool.

If Biden goes alone with it does that matter if Progressive Dems block it in Congress? What is Biden’s role other than cheerleading?

The debt ceiling is quite literally an imaginary number that gets adjusted every year after months of pointless fighting about it.

EDems LOVE the debt ceiling.


I’m not receptive to messages like this anymore. they claim their progressive caucus has 100 members. if that’s true and they’re not willing to send congress into deadlock over inaction, they are culpable and not receiving my vote as of this moment in november or in 2024. not that it matters, but I refuse to keep being played.

this tweet sums up what they have NOT been doing which they easily could:

shut down the house until they get some concessions on this stuff. They don’t or won’t because they worry about their bottom line and retaining power.

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They should worry about retaining power, it’s important.

Wanna know how you retain power? By doing or at least acting like you give a shit about the policies you ran on. Or you know defending the right of women’s bodily autonomy.


Ok, they did that, what’s the problem?

As you would say…. lol

Do you plan to vote in November?
  • I plan to vote in the November 2022 elections (broadly supporting Democrats)
  • I plan to vote in the November 2022 elections (broadly supporting Republicans)
  • I plan to vote in the November 2022 elections in limited contests only
  • I do not plan to vote in the November 2022 elections despite being eligible
  • I am ineligible or otherwise N/A

0 voters

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Seems that I can only vote in presidential elections since that was the lone race on my absentee ballot which arrived the day before the election.

:heavy_check_mark: Fetterman for Senate
:heavy_check_mark: Shapiro for Governor
:heavy_check_mark: Dem for Lt Governor
:heavy_check_mark: Dem for any judicial positions
:question: On the rest, including US House


did what now


fuck Congress.

But by all means, don’t vote and let nutjobs talking about CRT and grooming take over your school board and planning group and city council. That will certainly help.

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Don’t think the drilling approvals need congressional approval

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Lolololololol no

being so upset you’re doing little so we’ll do nothing at all instead makes no sense at all

you deadlock congress when you want them to stop doing things

anyway there’s also this

so for the democrats against fetterman thing, they never were–people were just making things up in their own minds b/c it fit their narcissistic narrative.

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