‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

The right to bear arms doesn’t mean the right to own whatever you want. It refers to the subset of weapons one can own. There is no such thing as an absolute right.

“Well-Regulated Militia”

Such a goddamn failure to not define that better than that

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So, where did the “subset” of what’s in a well-regulated militia get defined? It seems arbitrary that tanks are out, AR-15s are in. Is there a list of what’s OK and what isn’t? Where is it? How do we get more stuff on it?

I always interpreted it this way:


Not the first time

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In Heller the Court said they were going to uphold an individual right to bear arms for “traditionally lawful purposes”, so like self-defence, hunting, and so on, and that the protected weapons had to be suitable for their purpose. Therefore the DC ban on handguns and requirement that weapons be stored with a trigger-lock were unconstitutional, as they infringed on the ability to use guns for self-defence. Similarly, you can’t ban hunting rifles, since hunting is a traditionally lawful purpose to own a gun and you can’t hunt with a 9mm. There is no constitutional reason why assault rifles can’t be banned nationwide tomorrow.

The only reason Heller is controversial is that it asserts that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to bear arms. The rest of the decision is straightforward and sensible aside from that.

Norms. That’s it. Iron is acting like there is some obvious limit. There isn’t. It’s just norms.

This issue is the clearest possible example that the point of politics is not to win arguments, it is to have power.

There are thousands of objectively brilliant people writing articles about gerrymandering and the electoral college and polarization and all kinds of shit and none of it means a fucking thing.

What matters is fucking winning so you can use power to achieve your goals. Unfortunately for us, the “line my pockets while children get slaughtered” team is the only one that understands this.


Like you need a license in most states to cut hair. You need a license to sell hot dogs. You need a license to be an lol realtor or a stockbroker or a lawyer or a bus driver.

The failure to require literally anything of gun owners is so ridiculous as to render any “debate” a complete farce. There is no point responding to “what about the doors, arm the teachers and nurses” bullshit, if you’re engaging they’re winning. Funnel that energy towards winning instead of talking.


Not only can you not buy tanks you also can’t buy a bazooka, a machine gun, a sawed off shotgun etc. there’s no reason an AR-15 shouldn’t also be included in that list


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That doesn’t narrow down which team you’re talking about.



8 posts were merged into an existing topic: Magic: The Gathering or MTG or MTGA aka MTG Arena

She was shot in SC while on vacation, not her home state. NH gun deaths are high compared to the rest of the northeast, but still below the national rate and far below the gun nut states.

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The whole “few bad apples” trope has really gotten out of hand.

The entire barrel is rotten to the core.

The corruption and abuse of power is a feature not a bug.


I’m not sure where I heard it, maybe it was here, but it was from an ex-cop. I think he said that 25% of people who get into policing are legit pieces of shit. Racists, bigots, bullies, you name it. The worst of the worst types of people who absolutely should not be cops. The other 75% get into it for the right reasons. Sure, maybe all the structural problems are there, but these are generally decent people who just want to be a force for good. For that 75%, they have two choices. Get in line and back the shitty 25% under the “back the blue” mantra, or get railroaded out of the department. Look at the George Floyd incident. 1 cop committing a murder. 3 other cops standing around watching with dumbfounded looks on their faces.


Was waiting for LegalEagle to weigh in on this

It’s not an upbeat video.

I think those percentages are backwards. Another reason to get into police work is that municipality jobs tend to be pretty idiot proof. It’s super hard to get fired. Decent pensions. And once seniority kicks in there are a ton of other bennies like paid time off, ideal shifts, easier work, etc.

I mean what would the “right reasons” even be? I want to rid the streets of filth? That’s a terrible reason. And no one is thinking I want to serve and protect everyone. Well, at least 75% are not thinking that when they sign up

If police don’t have to provide reasonable help then what did the cast of Seinfeld go to jail for?