Magic: The Gathering or MTG or MTGA aka MTG Arena

Lower ranks you go up more than you go down if you lose. Higher ranks it’s the same (with some protection on falling a full rank). Your rank determines your end of season rewards. However there’s a hidden ELO as well the matchmaker uses (and other things come into factor like your commander if you play Brawl). They generally try to match people with small collections vs other people with small collections

Might want to be careful if you’re playing standard, the cards you’re crafting will rotate out in a month (i.e. can only be played in Historic, the format for all cards in arena instead of Standard the last 2 years of cards)

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Ah. I knew they rotated it but didn’t know it’d be that soon. Thanks for the heads up

Will anyone be going to in november? If Biden pulls his finger out and allows Brits to enter the US again then I’m planning a trip.

Too far for me to make a trip just for Magic unfortunately.

Thought it might be +EV just to go and jam Mystery Drafts all Weekend

Don’t think I’m ready to do indoor, even if masked + tested/vaxxed policies. If it was vaxxed only, then maybe I would think about it.

Any ideas on how to sell the rest of my MTG collection? Probably 1-2K of legacy staples I’d like to get rid of.

Buylist to CardKingdom, Star City Games or someplace like that if you want easy. If you want more money per card, ebay, TCGplayer or a secondary site.

Got up to platinum this season. Went like 22-6 in gold. Started with the sky patrol deck and have been tweaking. Never spent a dime on this and don’t ever plan on doing so.

Played an event and went 5-3. Pretty much all my wins are being dead in one turn, attacking a guy with 12 life with a stonebinder familiar that’s 4/4, they don’t block because what could I possibly do. Foretell something to make him a 5/5, play Kaya’s onslaught to make it a 6/6 with double strike. I can feel the tilt emanating through my phone. Even beat a double Alrunds Epiphany this way.

I’d love to play a mono green deck but I’ll never have the wildcards for that

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Made it to diamond! I’ve peaked as a human being


Made it to mythic this month. Point me to the pro tour




Initiate flashbacks to a block format so bad it caused me to quit the game entirely.

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OT but:

Last month, I played MtG with one of my students after over a decade of not playing.

Apparently, they removed combat damage from the stack in 2010 and that completely ruined the vibe for me. It probably shouldn’t have but it did. I got my ass kicked big time.

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Haha yea I missed that too but it didn’t really make sense, I think it’s a fine change

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Yeah, I got blown out years ago when I started playing again because I didn’t realize damage didn’t stack anymore. Makes some of those old rares like the GG 2/1 from darksteel that you can sac to naturalize really bad.

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Yeah it made a ton of cards pretty much useless.

I mean it’s expected as a game ages and tries to stay relevant. Remember when MtG was perceived as a gambling game because cards used antes?

I mean you can still block and then sac it to stop damage to the face but it just doesn’t do damage as well

I guess, it would definitely not be printed as a rare with the new rules though. Antes are a little before my time but I know they banned the shit out of all of the ante cards to get rid of the gambling stigma. There was also a long stretch where they printed very few devils or demons because they were afraid of the moral majority or whatever the fuck. Anyway, I’m enjoying the derail because this discussion is more productive than staring into the abyss that is American society’s obsession with guns.

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Magic was blamed for school violence in the 90s, so not quite a full derail. :slight_smile:

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