Magic: The Gathering or MTG or MTGA aka MTG Arena

Built my own deck for once. Pretty obvious really put in all the good elves but I don’t see it on the meta sites and it’s actually crushing in historic BO1. The changeling experimental frenzy does serious work with the archdruid infinite mana generation and you can get them all from coco.

4 Steel Leaf Champion (DAR) 182
14 Snow-Covered Forest (KHM) 285
4 Elvish Archdruid (JMP) 391
4 Paradise Druid (WAR) 171
4 Elvish Clancaller (M19) 179
4 Elvish Warmaster (KHM) 167
4 Pelt Collector (GRN) 141
4 Realmwalker (KHM) 188
3 Primal Might (M21) 197
2 Collected Company (AKR) 186
4 Castle Garenbrig (ELD) 240
3 Turntimber Symbiosis (ZNR) 215
2 Blizzard Brawl (KHM) 162
4 Llanowar Elves (DAR) 168

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I think Allosaurus Shepard is an autoinclude in this deck if you have the rare wildcards to make it happen. Strangely probably Steel Leaf isn’t good enough to make the cut if you cut Leaf then probably Pelt Collectors need to go as well. If you go this route, Dwynen’s Elite and Elvish Warmaster are good ones to look at.

This is my current deck, not super serious and I can’t really afford to dump money into Magic for a little bit so just funzing around a little. I think I’d cut the basris and maybe Luminarch and try to find more 1 drops. Ozolith is just there to meme. I like never see wogs and I think the format is too fast for control at the moment to require basri’s.

Hitting 2 steel leafs of an end of turn 3 co co is worth it imo.

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Magic prices continue to skyrocket. Huge buyouts, being treated by nerds/nonplayers as an investment vehicle. Buy your RL cards yesterday because they’re gone today. I also just got my first piece of power ever! :))

I know people have been saying this for decades, but I don’t think paper prices are sustainable. MTG Arena is the future, where the only “price” distinction is between rarities.

Hot take: paper Magic will be dead in 5-10 years.

Too many rich finance bros hitting their 30s and 40s for this to be anywhere near correct. It’s going to be at least valuable antique collectibles for a decade or two until grandpa that worked for Google dies off.

Apparently in the secret lair announcement they announced they banning uro in modern historic pioneer and considering legacy in the upcoming B&R announcement, cya uro!

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Such a dumb banning in modern and probably even historic

Paper magic being dead isn’t equivalent to the high end collectible market dying. Honestly the high end stuff has barely any connection to actual magic play at this point, once you get beyond dual lands.

This card was ridiculous so I can’t hate it. All objective measures of value/cost are off the charts for Uro. It doesn’t singlehandedly recovery the game on the play versus an aggro deck, but it definitely is way overpowered for the cost. I think the more interesting question is if cards like FotD needed to go because it could be argued that Uro got them banned.

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I generally hate aggro-related cards like cleave more than Uro (if your opponent is drawing cards and gaining life at least you’re still playing magic), but its still good to see Uro go. They’ve just been going nuts lately printing overpowered cards, bannings just always seem to do good things for whatever format.

Lots more action in the Old School format than ever before, I think. With such a limited run of OS rares even a few thousand players would make it impossible to find a copy of the playable you want.

Is it FPS to splash Immersturm Predator here? I would cut the Pick + 2 Seize the spoils probably for the better weapon and the big boy giant + 17th land.

I think Run Amok is way better than either equipment if you are going that route. Maybe that isn’t even that good as you have a lot of non creatures. FWIW, I think any grizzly bear would probably be better. I think 4 sources for the dragon is enough and not FPS at all. That 7 drop is pretty terrible so I like your splash.
/hasn’t seriously played limited since like 2008

Deck looks about right. Would play the hammer over the pick. Any duals would be so much better than those seizes for splashing, but your sideboard doesn’t really have any good cards outside the hammer so it’s fine.

Harbinger has underperformed but you have no 2 drops so it’s fine. Don’t see any major leaks with your build

Thanks both for the line check. I get that the pick is not good, but I thought I needed it to help the splash.

Arena Open is 4500 gems?? That’s 45 bucks. Man.

Wait. The open is $22.50. Better!

Pick is good, just not in your deck. Need cheap aggressive creatures. Tormentors Helm, Goldvein Pick both good in those spots. Ravens Wings better in your style of deck. Dwarven Hammer is great in both

I’d even rather play the vault robber if you’re looking for a treasure source, even though it is heinous just because it plays to the board before turn 3 which you might need.

Actually made day 2 on third bullet. Nothing special, just a Temur with svella and good green cards (2 lindwurm, packmate, 2 masked vandal, realmwalker, old growth troll). I was mainly just lucky to not face aggro/equipment decks that just rolled me in my other two tries. The format definitely feels like you either have to go some sort of multi-color with a green base or aggro. Midrangey orzhov or dimir or something just seems bad (with exceptions of course).

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Two big news items.

MPL/Rivals is gone