‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America


Must read for anyone on the fence over disband the police.

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I dont understand posts like this. this isnt a criticism or remark on anyone else, just like, trying to understand here.

why is the reaction here sometimes “wow these police didnt do their jobs at all, get rid of the police?” shouldn’t we just ask them and force them to like, actually do their jobs?

I struggle to listen to disband/defund the police arguments when I live in a very rapidly deterioriating neighborhood with an underfunded, corrupt, and ineffective/apathetic police force. If we got rid of them things would maybe even get worse, we desperately want police, just ones that actually do policing. is that not the goal here or are people genuinely sincere that we do not need or want police at all? it seems to me this is the exact situation id want militarized police barging in with rifles and taking out this guy like we did bin laden. do we not want that? if not wtf do we want to happen here?

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substantive post, this is what they must be after when unnamed coworkers and/or friends ask the denizens of this forum what “that poker forum has to say about this topic”

We should probably move to one of the police threads, but what city in America has underfunded police? That has to be a rarity.

Defund the police and ban all guns.


we can, I have a lot to say about this. I’ve formed a neighborhood watch due to police uninvolvement on my street in the last two years and all of us reaching a breaking point about it. i have multiple breakin attempts per week, cops have decided to basically just abandon this area. my city has less than 1 officer per 1k residents. it’s typically 3+ on average. it is underfunded and corrupt the whole way through, and we as citizens have started policing our own block, have a police liason and shit who is completely worthless.

police in my city are utterly corrupt, sure get rid of those, but i really need police around here lately, just personally from my POV. i dont really see or understand what is funny about it.



Well maybe this raccoon



Honestly it’s pretty simple. I could be wrong, but I don’t think people who say “defund the police” are saying “we should have no laws and law enforcement”. At least that’s not what I’m saying. But law enforcement in this country is totally rotten to the core, in the ways you’ve mentioned plus many many more. “Fix the police”, “Reform the police” etc have proven to be completely useless. The system itself is completely fucked up beyond saving, and is built on foundations that are themselves totally broken. There’s no such thing as “good” police. So, defund the police.


You don’t necessarily need to be a Defund The Police guy to think that a town of 16,000 shouldn’t need a SWAT team. We shouldn’t have to expect that kind of military capability from small-town cops, and we wouldn’t have to if our gun laws were less crazy.

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I have a new slogan, check out this jam



that’s bullshit, er/uc fucked up. sorry they failed you, pretty common though

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What is so deeply depressing is that we actually have a system of government that can deal with this. Our population simply does not care.

Nobody who’d want to properly perform a police role, whatever the fuck that is, would want to join the police. So sure, fire these guys and just replace them with other inbred racist sociopaths and then rinse, repeat until maybe you luckbox a police force that doesn’t actively fuck over the populace. Of course to properly police you have infinite other aspects of society, and government to overturn/destroy (penal systems, justice systems, welfare systems just to name a few).

live free or die

The whole idea of local police forces seems very bad. Here there are state police forces and the AFP (who are kind of like the FBI, handling interstate organised crime etc) and that is it. The more local you make police forces, the more you invite corruption, favouritism, cronyism, gang formation and so on. It also makes police forces difficult to reform because there are a million different organizations to deal with.

In the late 1980s there were big corruption problems in Queensland Police, resulting in the Fitzgerald Inquiry which led to the resignation of the Premier, the jailing of the Police Commissioner (the top job) and three Cabinet Ministers, and the disbanding of certain branches of the police. I have no idea how you’d go about doing that in the US given the fragmented nature of the police (and I don’t know what the equivalent of a Royal Commission would be, I guess something along the lines of the Church Committee).

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Fuck it. At this point put me down for incrementalism. Just raise the minimum age to one year older than the latest mass shooter and we will have an effective gun ban in like 6 months.


I’m sure this is a super dumb question, but I figure one of you knows the answer and can save me some time.

If we take the second amendment literally, then people could own tanks or even nuclear bombs or armed drones. I assume they actually can’t. Right? What prevents that?