‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

One thing I worry about with these drills is, are we normalizing a school shootings in the eyes of the children by conducting these drills? These kids are growing up in a country where a school shooting is basically a tornado, wildly unpredictable but common-place and destructive enough event that we should prepare. I’m not sure if I’m communicating this well but my thought is that because they have to consider reacting to a shooting, does it then seem like these events are more common than they really are? I’m sure other people have already asked this question so I’m just catching up to the thought now.

Growing up in the duck and cover era of pending nuclear holocaust, I am not sure the specter is all that harmful.

The biggest problem is people become numb to drills anD then when invoked don’t act on their training because they zombied through it.

How long before teachers start shooting their students?


Not long that’s for sure.

Giving a novice substitute teacher a glock and a class in the inner-city to cover is asking for a massacre which they will then get away with because the kids were threatening her by rapping and wearing baggy pants.

Either that or students who would like to shoot up a school but can’t buy a gun find it a whole lot easier to get hold of one.

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Or they steal the teachers gun as a “prank” and the gun fires and hits a student. Just a terrible idea all around





PEP and PrEP are not very different, and I was off PrEP due to side effects, so I just rode out that month of PEP

Still negative



Man this seems so unsustainable then I remember the Vegas shooter shot 500 people and nothing happened.

Much like COVID, you’re going to need to add a couple orders of magnitude before people really care. 1000+ death mass shootings or else zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

COVID killed a million people and it didn’t move the needle. I truly think the only thing that would ever potentially make a difference would be the mass murder of sitting congressmen. And even then they would probably just lock down congress and surround it with a military presence instead of passing any laws.

Mass murder at a high school graduation that multiple Republican members of Congress are attending and killed as someone waits outside to spray the crowd as it exits the venue.

Dems should use reconciliation to implement gun control. $10,000 annual tax per assault rifle.


*Republican congressman

I would bet 90% or more of Americans don’t even remember this


I would be so socially oblivious I’d like “guys I’m trying to get over here and you’re standing in my way. Also it’s not assault, it’s only battery and it’s not even that.” It took me like 20 seconds to realize they were intentionally blocking him.