‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Hear me out, what if doctors, nurses and patients were all armed at all times.



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Absolutely, I have way more animosity for multi billionaires who game the system to pay less taxes than school teachers than I do for some guy who is most likely pseudo institutionalized who has learned to game the health care system for 3 hots and a cot a week out of the month.

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What are the wacko libs going to start screaming about banning bison now?

See, it’s not the guns it’s the mentally ill bovine.

Haven’t actually seen anyone carrying, but saw quite a few signs telling people where guns weren’t allowed when I was in Phoenix.


Coming soon to a school near you



Yeah don’t think there’s a salary I’d accept to be a teacher in America.


Thoughts, prayers, and brief pauses on social media.

What could go wrong :man_shrugging:

Seems like a good way to get one of these auditors shot.

Transparent ploy to shift the blame onto individual schools.


What if they offer you a free gun to defend your students from armed psychopaths?

The two button meme with “BUT THATS SOCIALISM!!!” and “YES MOAR GUNSSS!!!”

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Cops and security guards love to lie about locked doors,

I had an incident as a yute where me and couple of friends went in an old abandoned school where the door was open. Of course the smith security guard lied and said it was locked every time he did his rounds and physically checked it. Who knows how many times he didn’t get out and check the door.

You start thinking about this stuff for more than like 10 seconds and I don’t know how you don’t start going to some very dark places.


My wife was on lockdown for the last hour after someone threatened to shoot the school. JFC.

Edit: turns out it wasn’t the exact school but a threat for a nearby district. Still tough.


there’s also a rumor going around that he financed the ar-15 through the gun store… so if confirmed, he was able to go into a gun store pay a miniscule amount of money, and then go on a shooting rampage within a couple hours…

also, pawn stores are the scourge of society. them and cash advance places. if every single one of them was destroyed tomorrow the country would be an infinitely better place…

I’ve been through two false alarm active shooter scares as an adult, makes me think how traumatizing it is for kids and many time it happens in an average school.