‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Zero chance this results in gun control. We had an insurrection which resulted in zero.

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I demand we try no doors anywhere.

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We had a shooter attack a congressional baseball game and nearly kill a high ranking Representative, didn’t change anything


Key word there is “nearly.” If a few had died, I’d bet they’d start pushing for DC to enact strict gun control.

Personally, I think DC should go open carry and then people in full body armor should hang out with AR15’s in front of R hangouts. That might get them to care.

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This is exactly what Republicans would do if they were Democrats. Alas.

None of these shootings are even making it to my social media feed. Although I did this update on dumbasses from Ohio:



Pretty sure she got within 0 feet of the bison.


Now I’m curious to see how common this is:

  • I have seen a dude carrying a gun in a grocery store
  • Never seen anything like that

0 voters

I’ve seen it because I’ve been to Arizona. I don’t recall ever seeing it in CA.

I saw one once in Indiana.

I mean, we have open carry in Oklahoma. And Texas. It’s not uncommon at all. Just pathetic.


Not often, but a male-female couple of Ohio bumpkins with their sidearms at Circle K a couple weeks ago.

Not sure if the poll results mean some of you should get out and about more often, or if I should do it less.

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Right-wingers still talk about that on Chiefsplanet. It’s the only mass shooting they remember. In their mind the left is completely out of control and getting more and more violent, and Steve Scalise is all the evidence they need.

They’re not sure if any crazy right-wing racists have been in involved in any mass shootings in the last 30 years. They’ll have to get back to you on that.

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Was eating lunch on mt. Charleston outside of Vegas and a dude stood up from his table and his gun fell out and smacked on the floor. He just picked it up and kept walking like it was nothing.

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Probably for the feral pigs.

Freedom is ringing (out like gunshots).

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Too many doors


5 dead in Tulsa shooting. So that story should be wrapped in under 2 days.

I’ve never seen a long gun being open carried in public but have noticed people with handguns.