‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Terrible writing in a finale?


My recollection is that you only have a duty to help someone, if you were the one that put them in danger (or have some other duty to you). E.g. if I push you in a pool, I have a duty to try and save you, but if I see you drowning in the pool, I can just watch you drown.

Thanks. This is more or less what I was looking for but I still feel like there is more to the story. Heller was in 2008. I assume owning a bazooka or whatever could still be outlawed pre-2008. What were we using to decide what arms people can and cannot own prior to Heller?

Apparently not true wherever the Seinfeld finale took place.


Before Heller, the 2A was a dead letter and governments could and did ban everything except hunting rifles.

Another word for legal norms is the common law.

Really? I guess I completely memory holed that. I’ve never owned or wanted to own a gun, so I’d have no functional reason to know.

So how did AR15s make it in under Heller and “traditionally lawful purposes”?

They didn’t. The assault weapon ban was before Heller. A new assault weapon ban would be constitutional under the current precedent. The increasing prevalence of assault weapons isn’t due to the Court, it’s due to Legislatures.

Maybe it’s not clear what I’m asking. It sounds like Heller made banning AR15s unlawful. Is that not the case? If it is, what part of Heller forbids a local government from banning AR15s specifically.



I didn’t edit fast enough, Heller does not prohibit assault weapons bans.




Well only 4 innocent people died. That’s like 20% of Ulvade.

Jfc these morons. I’m sure the families are comforted that it could be worse. im sure they will stop grieving sooner knowing this

South Carolina actually has two state mottoes, both of which are Latin phrases with different meanings. Animis Opibusque Parati , which is considered the first state motto of South Carolina, means "prepared in mind and resources.” The second state motto of South Carolina is “Dum Spiro Spero , which means “while I breathe, I hope.” The origin of Dum Spiro Spero is attributed to the Roman philosopher Marcus Tullius Cicero, who is thought to have written the phrase.

a little too on the nose, don’t you think?

They were no angels.

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Not sure if it’s been covered here already but something that may interest you. It’s perfectly legal to own all sorts of insane weapons and weapon-adjacent things. There’s the 1934 National Firearms Act, updated in 1968. It’s essentially a tax law that creates an application process and registry for certain types of firearms. Legit automatic machine gun, bombs, grenades, different lengthed shotguns, etc. You pay a $200 tax (never updated from 1934) and submit an application to get a tax stamp to own something like that. A friend of mine recently told me that he just received his stamp for his suppressor he bought for his AR-15. The process took 15 months from submittal to approval he said.

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About the right age



Yes, I’m sure that’s exactly how people want to spend their retirement.

The previous service members is a good angle. The potential shooter has to say ‘thank you for your service’ and it gives guard an opening to make a move.


I’m picturing walkers with guns attached.