‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Thought he was going to come in here and dunk on everyone, but either didn’t bother to look at literally the front page where he would’ve found a 50+ post thread on the subject, or didn’t recognize George Floyd as the name of the man who was killed. Either way, that is just chef’s kiss

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If no one there had guns, I would be ok with others doing it, but I still wouldn’t do it myself, because I’m still going to prison and I would probably convince myself he wasn’t really dying.

And where the fuck were they during the examples I mentioned?

You don’t get to claim that you need a gun to prevent tyrrany but ONLY when the tyrrany is against white people, DUCY?

Yeah Cactus I posted about this on the Chapo Reddit. I side more with you than others here but it is a terrible look that the left wing gun lovers never use those guns against the oppressors.

That’s my single biggest problem with the people who argue, name call, and try to shame me ITT. They’re either oblivious, or flat out refuse to admit this part of the gun problem in this country. No way Floyd is dead right now if police aren’t armed with overwhelming force. Some of us want to keep the playing field more on an even keel. That means taking away a great deal of their firepower or letting the citizens keep theirs. Just because you don’t think anyone ever would or should, stand up to tyranny with lethal force to save their own or another person’s life is beside the point. They should have the right to

That’s fine and YOUR decision. But others might decide to jump in and save a man’s life despite the possibility of going to prison. Especially since no sane person questions that the person who should be going to prison is the armed thug with his knee on the neck of the person’s he’s choking the life out of

Oh just shut up.

No one in this thread is unaware of the gun problem in this country.

No one in this thread agrees that the first step is to disarm the police because as Khumbiya as that would be it isn’t going to happen ever, so you come across as another gun porn aficionado who tries to hide his bullshit gun porn and pretends to be on the side of real change in this country.

I hope you never are put in a position to have to use your bevy of bullet-throwers.

You would have done fuck all if George Floyd was getting murdered in front of you you delusional fuck. But keep carrying your piece while you jog.


It’s so odd that you dont have an answer for this.

Hint: it’s because “I need a gun to stop tyranny” is a bullshit lie. You have no interest in stopping tyranny when you see it, you just want to “protect” your own ass with a gun that statistically will hurt you or someone you love looooooong before it protects you from anyone trying to harm you. You are no better than the “fuck yall, got mine” group, but you like to pretend you are with your “I need my gun to protect me from the tyrannical government” bullshit.

Fuck you





Fair enough. But…

I try not to use straw man arguments and if I did, I apologize. I’m clearly a minority ITT who supports 2A, so it’s hard not to resort to “standard shit” when I’m getting the “standard shit” counter arguments slung at me from all sides. I’ve decided to only respond to reasonable points and ignore the intellectually void responses like jawax13, kerowo, and other recent ones

In short, I agree there is a gun problem in this country. No one wants lunatics getting their hands on semi-automatic rifles and shooting up a school, movie, mall, etc. It’s tragic and I’m on record for whatever reforms necessary to keep firearms out of a lunatic’s hands, be it background checks, waiting periods, tests, licensing, etc. But as tragic as those incidents are, we all know why James Holmes shot up a movie theater. He’s severely mentally disturbed. But what I find it ever so much more tragic is when minorities get murdered in plain sight at the hands of ostensibly stable trained law enforcement officers! So I wanna talk about THIS first! Why isn’t this in the gun thread? Does anyone seriously think that if it weren’t for cops having overwhelming firepower George Floyd might be alive right now? And even if you disagree, don’t you think there’s at least more of a chance that an angry, potentially violent crowd could’ve that would’ve caused the officers to expedite whatever the fuck they were doing to him so the fuckhead pig with his knee on his neck would’ve eased up sooner?

@NotBruceZ Sorta agree. Mobs can be good in defeating tyranny, but usually don’t quite do the trick. After Anthony Lamar Smith’s killer got off protests erupted, but here we still are… What I’m advocating for more than anything else, is police accountability. That can’t happen under a corrupt judicial system that literally allows police get away with murder while locking up minorities and the poor for years over drugs. So until that changes the ONLY other deterrent I know is an armed populace



What changed between 1950 and 1990 with the 2A to suddenly need so many guns in the hands of gun porn enthusiasts?

Oh, and Fuck You.

This is pretty clearly false. If cops didn’t have guns, they’re still going to completely fuck update anyone who interferes with what they’re doing, then they’re going to put you in jail for ten years.

Public unions WOAT.

It may be false, but it’s nowhere near clear. Some people are willing to get arrested for interfering when they see or feel injustice being undone. Some guy - can’t remember his name - but recently ended his presidential campaign, once got arrested for interfering with what he considered injustice. And I once heard about this woman… Rosa something… who was willing to get arrested because she wouldn’t give up her seat on a bus. Believe it or not, some people are willing to go to jail fighting authority when they see moral wrongs. Not everyone’s natural instinct is to curl up into a fetal position

This could be all true, but you’re trying to make the point that it’s the guns that are the mitigating factor, which is clearly not the case.

Keep going; you’re almost there.

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Exactly. And we also know that there’s lots of data that suggests that having a gun on you makes nearly every single situation you’re in more dangerous for you. Maybe you could make the point that gun owners who do X, Y, or Z are less likely to get hurt, but X, Y, and Z are things like keep your gun locked up, and we already know that cactus doesn’t do that.

Well unless you’re a right wing protester who wants things open for business, you can bring whatever and the cops will be nice to you