‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

In which Denzel Washington does not get shot while also keeping his mask on.


Denzel is lucky he’s recognized and loved by a LOT of people

edit: also props to him because it takes courage doing that no matter who you are


Training Day ftw

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It also makes the situation the cops are in more dangerous. Look how they respond with riot gear to people breaking the windows of squad cars with rocks. Fucking cowards!

I’ll make everyone here a deal… If this scumbag pig is actually held accountable and gets life without parole and not just some trumped up charges that get ridiculously reduced, I’ll back off on all my gun rhetoric with respect to police and take it as a sign that MAYBE just maybe we’re making some progress. But I’m not holding my breath. In fact, every officer on that scene should be charged as an accessory to murder. To my knowledge, the cop who killed Floyd isn’t even in jail yet. It’s a fucking sham

Do you think any of us disagree with you on these points?

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I’m not sure what kind of glorified view of riots he has in his gun porn riddled head if he thinks confronting rioters in body armor makes someone a coward.

And then the chef’s kiss is making a promise that he clearly doesn’t intend to keep EVEN IF the hyper specific circumstances come to pass, FFS why not add that the trial had to take place before the end of summer and the jury foreman had to be named Earl just to make sure you can’t lose.

I like your take that cops shouldn’t have guns a lot better “if this one cop gets life, it’s all ok”.

But really, as long as you are still jogging with your gun it’s hard to take you seriously.

The only people who have a good argument for guns are if you are living in brown bear country living off the land or something along those lines.

They aint going to help you with cops or authoritarian governments. If they did with all the guns we have we would have the most well behaved cops on earth. But we dont. Instead we have cops use that the population is so well armed to militarize and become more well armed in an ever increasing arms race.

And the stats show people who own them for self defense are more likely to get killed by a gun. Either by suicide or someone taking it and killing you.

Im a gun owner…but admit i have no good argument for owning one. It increases my odds of death…


All I’ve ever asked was for accountability and the recognition that these two issues intersect. It’s not some nutcase went off the rails and shot a person(s), and way way way over here, we have a cop who put 16 rounds into the back of an unarmed black teen as he was running away. Cops are above the law. Politicians are above the law. When you have powerful governmental institutions that are seemingly above the law, citizens should be allowed to arm themselves. That’s just my opinion. Seeing that police station in flames brought a tear to my eye. You certainly don’t have to agree that violence is the answer in the absence of justice. But then, Ie don’t have to agree with you that it’s necessarily wrong either

Sometimes it takes extremes to get through a 3 foot steel wall. The point I was trying to make over and over that kept getting drowned out by ad hominem personal attacks was that responsible gun owners are nowhere near the threat people make them out to be. If someone decides to carry their firearm while jogging they are almost infinitely less likely to harm anyone than a cop who arrives on a scene to arrest a black man for allegedly forging a check

I’m not necessarily afraid of someone who takes their gun for a jog, I just think it’s absurd. Were you just making a point or do you actually take your gun for a jog?

I think you’re confusing cops with the institutions and culture they represent. Most cops comes down on the side of 2A

Then why do you own one?

What’s the difference? Argue the point being made instead of engaging in ad hominen personal attacks. It doesn’t matter what you find absurd. Do you disagree with the premise that you are safer around a responsible gun owner who’s taken a gun safety class than a black person is being arrested by cops? You’re allowed to disagree. But then, make your argument. Calling people absurd or wannabe super heroes and telling them to fuck off, blah, blah, blah, is just a shortcut to thinking and needlessly derails a legit conversation in my mind

The difference is whether or not you’re a sane, stable, rational person. The discussion goes differently when I legitimately think someone is not.

I’m certainly not as anti-gun as most people around here and I do think I’m safer around a typical gun owner (safety class or not) than pretty much anyone (Black or not) being arrested.

Well, then we agree. Now the question is what constitutes a sane, stable, rational person? And then, what rights should someone have to at least feel like they can neutralize a situation and defend themselves or loved ones against a potential deadly and unequal attack from someone else? There are a lot of questions with no easy answers. But rational stable people should be able to have a discussion about it. It’s funny you’d question my stability when a quick glimpse at the average response I receive will reveal people who quickly lose their sanity and resort to childish insults. Those people definitely shouldn’t own a firearm and thank god they’re against them I guess

Im not confusing anything. The police argue they need to be militarized because the people are. The people argue they need to be because the police are. Its a circle.

Tradition…ive always owned one im a barefoot country boy. I use to have more than one gun but now i just have one which was handed down to me. An old .22 i got from my father. I like to shoot up some cans every once in a while but like i said I have no good reasons.

Either you misspoke or are arguing a point way over my head JT. I quite obviously do NOT think your right to own a firearm should be infringed whether you call me names or make fun of me. I think you should also be also allowed to think whatever you want about people who choose to carry a firearm. But simply saying fuck off, making false accusations and attributing stupid thought clouds to someone is what I’d expect from a knuckle dragging mouth breather who can’t articulate their argument. I’ve been guilty of going over the top myself in response, but it doesn’t solve anything. We are allowed to DISAGREE with one another on a topic. Shaming is such a mindless non-productive tactic that not only doesn’t work, but has been shown to further entrench the opposing side’s stance. The goal should be to understand the opposing side’s position. I’ve tried to do that and understand why you think more people being armed will lead to more gun deaths. I just don’t AGREE with you! I also think you more than anyone else have at least tried to understand my position. I think you get some, but not all of it and even if you do understand me fully, you also don’t have to agree. Luckily we still have the right to vote and for the time being, still live in a democracy. The 2nd amendment is just that. An amendment!. I’m not foolish enough to think owning a gun is some god given right. Our constitution is amendable should your position win the day

I see Cactus still won’t answer what changed in the 2A between the 50’s and the 90’s to make it necessary for gun porn enthusiasts to own military weapons?

Just like we’re allowed to disagree on whether arsenic is a healthy daily dietary supplement. Like the data on this is pretty clear cut.