‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Y’all might want a gun or two as the country collapses

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Possibly dumb questions here:

I don’t understand US guns laws with respect to citizens. Those guys that were defending the store with ammo belts and assault rifles, what happens if they actual use them? Don’t they require their lives to be under immediate risk to even fire them? If a looter says “FU I’m breaking in anyway” what would they do? Cut him down? If they start a confrontation that leads to shooting when they could have just walked away, isn’t that illegal?

Same thing when they stormed that mayor’s mansion or protested government building armed to the teeth.

Not a dumb question because the answer, as with anything in this country is it depends on what state you’re in.

Some states have stand your ground laws where if someone is going after you/your property you can stop and shoot to protect yourself/property. Some states you have to attempt to retreat. But I think all states are okay with you shooting someone if you feel imminent serious bodily harm or death and have no other option. I forget what the exact phrasing is.

Depends what color they are.


I understand it for protecting yourself and, to a lesser extent, your property. I get that it’s different from state to state. I didn’t think it was radically different.
These guys in Minnesota are volunteering to replace the police or, in the mayor’s mansion protest (siege IMO), acting as soldiers setting up a perimeter. They’re citizens putting themselves in these situations on purpose. If they try to put themselves between a looter and the building he wants to smash into, in what situations would they legally be allowed to shoot someone? They could just walk away. It’s not their property. Is there like some vigilante law that gives them the same rights as cops?

I’m sure there’s no law anywhere that says it’s ok for random people to use deadly force to protect someone else’s property. Maybe if the store owner was paying them as security (gross thought, but probably legal justification). But…laws have to be applied by police, prosecutors, juries and judges, so if they are sympathetic to the shooter and not sympathetic to the person shot, who knows?

A few years ago in a mid-sized city in Texas, a guy walked into a convenience store, picked up two cases of beer, and walked out without paying. The owner of the store walked up to the guy and shot him directly in the head, instantly killing him. The convenience store owner acknowledged that the guy wasn’t threatening him at all, claimed he recognized the guy as a gang member, and was never charged with anything. The owner also received lots of community support. I did my best to stay away from that part of town, and then moved to a different city shortly after, because what the fuck.


9 people shot in Syracuse only 1 in critical condition. Allegedly there was a giant party with over 100 people.

12 people shot and 1 killed in Minneapolis overnight at some kind of outdoor street gathering or something in one of the cities nightlife areas. 100 people shot in the past month which feels like more than normal

Democrat mayor.

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Whoever initially shared that made the effort of trimming off the parts that identify it as coming from College Humor.

Its really fun trolling the right to bear arms shall not be infringed absolutist folk by telling them i want nukes and chemical armaments and seeing where the rabbit hole goes…

I wish i had a full list of arms which cant be owned.

Back in May, we wrote about a group of gun enthusiasts who love taking pictures of loaded weapons pointed at their dicks. On a long enough timeline, one of them was inevitably going to accidentally discharge their weapon, and on Tuesday, that appears to be exactly what happened to one member in the San Diego area.

A member of a Facebook group dedicated to taking pictures of loaded weapons pointed at dicks finally shot himself in the balls, according to bloody pictures and video he posted on social media and the Imperial County Sheriff’s Office, which confirmed the incident to Motherboard. Rather than step back and start questioning whether the practice is wise, the group made him an administrator and are now celebrating him as their king.

I was going to say I have so many questions but on reflection I don’t have any questions at all … none…nada…zero…ziltch.

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American stupidity knows no bounds. None whatsoever. It is boundless.

And ball-less.

I’m not sure this is true. Maybe it should be tested.