‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

I have a feeling they’ll try to say it was left wing domestic terror to try to keep the country closed and hurt Trump politically. I mean, he even wore a mask!

Hispanic, 20 y/o male.

Predictable as sunrises.

Cool this happened in my state and the first I’m hearing about it is on here.

Well only three people were shot and none died that I’ve seen, so it wasn’t even a real official mass shooting. It was like a reopening warmup.

During an initial appearance before a judge Thursday, prosecuting attorney Edward Leiter alleged Hernandez identified as an “incel” – referring to an online movement of people who say they are “involuntarily celibate” and promote violence against women. Hernandez’s lawyer, Philip Beatty of the Maricopa County Public Defender, objected.


Wait that’s what incel means?


You didnt know what an Incel was? Also surprise surprise. It’s a good thing these guys have the right to own guns. Our freedoms at work!

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Speaking of incels.



oklahoma just passed an “anti-red flag” law. yep… anti-red flag. to make it harder to take guns away from people that are a danger to themselves and others.

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I take offense. Those of us who live here call it Methlahoma.

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sadly, i too live here. and dealt with my FAIR SHARE of meth heads prosecuting drug crimes for 2 years.

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Just normal things for a normal country…

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Interesting that all 3 are disgusting examples of privileged powerfully armed whites oppressing defenseless minorities. I get that the preferred strategy here is to curl up in the fetal position when faced with tyranny, but there are those who don’t AGREE with you!

It’s also good to see this thread lighting up with outrage over yet another senseless murder of a black man by our heavily armed tyrants in blue. Oh riiiight… Sheeple don’t care about needless deaths of this kind because it’s at the hands of the GOOD guys who they willingly concede the right to walk around so heavily armed. Everyone’s okay with that. I’m sure y’all will wait patiently for the next law abiding gun owner or the next nutcase that does something stupid with a gun to unleash your rightful anger on. Armed gangs of cops commonly killing more black citizens? Not a gun issue and nothing to see here folks…

I’m sure you would have drawn on the cops if you were among the spectators there, when literally the best case scenario is Floyd lives, but you spend 10 years in prison.

Let’s say NOBODY had guns. Not the cops. And not any people (which I’m on record here stating I’d be totally fine with). Do you think it would be okay if a group of bystanders jumped in to physically stop that cop from slowly and painfully killing George Floyd right in front of their eyes? Would that have been acceptable outcome for you?

Really curious what your answer to that is, because if you WOULD be okay with that outcome, then you must admit the reason that scenario is super unlikely to happen is because all the cops are armed. I’m not gonna saying what I’d do, or get into hypotheticals just because you don’t believe anyone would take certain actions, or that you think it would be dumb to, but if an armed bystander did stop that cop from killing Floyd in plain daylight with lethal force, there’d be one less tyrant in the world and I for one, wouldn’t lose a minute of sleep over it

If you’re talking about George Floyd with your comment about why this thread isn’t being lit up with anger and sheeple blah blah, it’s because that is being discussed in 2 other threads (one specifically about that incident). Just because people might not agree with your stances fully doesn’t mean we all don’t give a fuck about what’s going on