‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

The really fun part is when you realize that killing animals is actually beneficial for the Earth writ large.

I think you’re just trolling but:

  • According to a study conducted by Ipsos Retail Performance, between 2004 and 2019, there was a 30-fold increase in vegans in the United States — from 290,000 in 2004 to almost 10 million in 2019. (This number may have risen even more in the years since!)

In the UK, the number of people identifying as vegans in 2016 had** increased** by 360% , compared to just a decade before, according to research commissioned by the Vegan Society in partnership with Vegan Life magazine.

In Canada, there has been a** 250% increase in vegetarians. There are now over 2.3 million vegetarians and 850,000 vegans, according to 2020 data . The province with the most overall plant-based eaters is British Columbia. And in Canada’s Dietary Guidelines, most recently published in 2019, there is an emphasis on eating plant-based foods. They specifically recommend choosing plant-based proteins more often than animal-derived ones and avoiding processed meat and saturated fat.

In Portugal, vegetarianism rose by 400% between 2007 and 2017 and has likely continued to grow since then. This is according to research carried out by Nielsen. Interestingly — thanks to the work of Portugal’s Vegetarian Association — starting in 2017 it became the first country in the world to pass a law that requires all government facilities, including prisons, hospitals, and schools, to offer at least one vegan option on their menus

Who here do you think is vegan or vegetarian

Good point. Most of the scolds probably dgaf irl

It’s more like he thinks he’s trolling, but he’s too stupid to even do that right

My dog says this is unambiguously ethical.

That’s very big of you to not judge huge populations for their cultural heritage

Go on. Read your whole link.

I only eat meat currently because of economics and lack of willpower. My ideal self would not eat meat except at social gatherings.

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Heritage not hate

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The most important takeaway from our NHANES data analysis is that the percentage of vegetarians and vegans seems to be much lower than other studies suggest.


You’ll have to explain it to me. Too stupid.

Please elaborate on the point you’re trying to make

Keep defending your culture. With guns, apparently (lol), now.

In general people should to be more comfortable with fuzziness and decisions being at least somewhat arbitrary. Just because there aren’t clear lines doesn’t mean you can’t just draw them yourself. It doesn’t mean you are forced to an absolute extreme.

Totally agree. As long as people accept this limitation and resist the urge to assume their line is absolutely correct and everyone else’s is evil.

I have had different diets at various times largely influence by willpower. At times, and for stretches of a couple years anyway, I would only eat meat if it were served to me - most likely a gathering/dinner party/holiday dinner etc.

NMW, who do you hate more vegetarians or Somalis? You must really hate Somali vegetarians.


I think the vast majority of American hunters are eating what they kill. All of the hunters I know have their kills butchered and processed.

There is probably some percentage that eat MOST of what they kill but may, in addition to hunting food animals (deer, elk), kill invasive animal for sport, such as cougars.