‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Please elaborate on the point you’re trying to make

Keep defending your culture. With guns, apparently (lol), now.

In general people should to be more comfortable with fuzziness and decisions being at least somewhat arbitrary. Just because there aren’t clear lines doesn’t mean you can’t just draw them yourself. It doesn’t mean you are forced to an absolute extreme.

Totally agree. As long as people accept this limitation and resist the urge to assume their line is absolutely correct and everyone else’s is evil.

I have had different diets at various times largely influence by willpower. At times, and for stretches of a couple years anyway, I would only eat meat if it were served to me - most likely a gathering/dinner party/holiday dinner etc.

NMW, who do you hate more vegetarians or Somalis? You must really hate Somali vegetarians.


I think the vast majority of American hunters are eating what they kill. All of the hunters I know have their kills butchered and processed.

There is probably some percentage that eat MOST of what they kill but may, in addition to hunting food animals (deer, elk), kill invasive animal for sport, such as cougars.

Where do you live?

Hunters I knew in the 90s in Alabama were MAYBE butchering one deer a season, usually just none. Definitely not eating any waterfowl and shit

And are these all people you meet at a poker table, or ____?

I live in western Washington state.

People I met from dealing poker, or from flyfishing, smoking cigars, camping, or from work.

My hobbies tend to overlap significantly with hunters, although I don’t and have never hunted. But i’ve enjoyed the fruits of some of my hunter friends labor.

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As they attempted to turn the car around, the sheriff said, Kevin D. Monahan came out on his porch and fired two shots, one of which hit Gillis while she was seated in the car.

JFC, kid was just pulling in to get turned around when this absolute maniac comes out with guns blazing.

I don’t know the answer but was driving down I-70 in a fairly populated area and saw an SUV on the shoulder of the dast lane in the opposite direction I was going. The passenger side of the windshield was blown out and there was dead dear in the hood with blood everywhere. Anyone who is the passenger seat had to be severely injured if not killed. It was a very bad scene!


I expect the feds will step in.


We’ve actually collectively gone down this rabbit hole before. Surprisingly, India is only 20-25% vegetarian. And if we looked for just people on a plant-based diet, the number is likely much, much smaller.

Your post is fine, it’s just that India is not the great example that everyone thinks it is. It could be that the studies posted were flawed, I suppose. However, at the time, I couldn’t find any good ones to the contrary.

If you eat meat and say hunting shouldn’t be allowed it really confuses me. I have always thought If you want to eat any meat you should have to kill a large animal or be part of the process of butchering an animal. This would vastly decrease the consumption of meat. I have a really hard time wasting any part of animal that is put on my plate. “Hunting for sport” I don’t even know that that means. There is an entire thread on here on how to cook the best food which almost always involves showing different meats.

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I’m pretty sure cassette doesn’t eat any animal products.

Ban the sell of large magazines. Harsh punishments for being in possession of large magazines. Same with hand guns. Just scream and push for that. There is no reason for any random idiot to have these.