‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

The magic is that anything you do to produce meat is OK, including drastically changing the environment for the worse

This is all interesting discussion but we are clearly in the world of philosophy of ethics which has no right or wrong so it’s best to proceed as such.

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What if I can’t?


Why can’t they just eat plants and nuts?

Because they have disassociated the jerky from the hunting in ways they do not afford to essentially any other product of acts they find gross/reprehensible

Why does their mind allow them this trick? Because they were raised on meat, and their tummy likes meat

Maybe should have added the word absolute in front of right or wrong.

These nihilists can’t hurt you

brb going to light my cat on fire.


Unstuck’s Motto

“This is OK”
-Immanuel Kant, probably

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Or perhaps the visceral effect of killing a large mammal causes actual people to recoil in a way that eating a hamburger doesn’t?

I think we’re talking past each other. The distinction is

  1. People who eat meat but do not hunt


  1. People who eat meat and hunt

There are (a whole lot) of people who are in category 1 and think category 2 guys are weirdos. I don’t think it’s too puzzling why that is, seems like Human Nature 101.

That’s what I just said, Ray Horton/Basic/NMW

Only you seem to be blaming them for this.

I’m not.

Because they wouldn’t survive.

Eating meat is essential to survival?

I think he was kidding but more accurate response would be because there basically are no edible plants or nuts.

This whole conversation has always confused me tbh. Unless you are growing all of your own veg/fruit at home and control the whole process doesn’t commercial farming kill an enormous amount of animals each year which kind of defeats at least some of the purpose? Not to mention a massive destruction of ecosystems and the carry on effects from that?

I mean I think it’s obvious, as has already been said, that beef is enormously harmful in many ways. But I have a hard time thinking someone eating chicken is really all that much more unethical or more “fucking sick” or whatever than someone eating produce out of their local Wal-Mart.

I am in the camp of hunting animals for sport is sick but if you are truly doing it for food it is fine imo.

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