‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

You’ll never convince this forum of that. It’s their reason for never attempting to join any kind of organizing. Never mind that they understand voting despite one vote “not making a dent.” Never mind that they are proud to not eat Chick Fil A.

They want to eat meat so it’s something where they can’t make a dent. Simple. Never mind the insanely disproportionate environmental impact of 1 burger.


For sure. I just find it weird when people recoil at hunting for fun but think it’s fine if you eat it. You can eat something else so hunting for food is basically the same thing as hunting for fun afaict.

If anything, throwing the deer in the garbage is wrong because it’s wasteful, not because you killed something for fun.

Beef kills way more, by any measurement, than basically anything else commonly eaten

It kills humans to make beef

Doesn’t seem all that odd to me. People can be generally on board with the idea of eating meat and still get weirded out at the idea of killing animals for sport. Probably most people fall into that bucket.

So obvious you can’t even seem to type it out.

Of course, you also believe that all socialist democracies evolved in a vacuum. Amazing how all those countries weren’t affected by the US military and it’s historical might.

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OK… but except in very rare cases like maybe Inuit people in the far north of Canada, the people hunting for meat are also hunting for sport/for fun. If it wasn’t fun they would go to Albertsons.

Gun control.

I don’t understand your second point at all.

Yeah, there are two separate things. Is the effect of what you’re doing causing more harm? And is enjoying killing a bad thing regardless of whether or not it causes more or less harm?

The core problem is the overmilitarization of the US.

You have clearly stated that socialist democracies did not benefit from the US military. That is impossible.

Can you name some

Sure, pretty much everyone who’s hunting is doing so for sport, that doesn’t change my point.

Yes, people have lots of cognitive dissonance

It’s pretty clear here that the difference comes from whether you were raised enjoying it

People who were raised enjoying eating meat but not sport fishing or hunting, irrationally find a much larger gap between the two. Film at 11

You don’t think something is funny here?

Hunting for sport is fucking sick.
Hunting for sport and then eating it is fine.

For sure and I do not respect arguments that are like “if you do harmful thing A you are a hypocrite if you say harmful thing B (probably more harmful) is not ok”. I was just saying “OK” is vague and can easily find a way to fit in between hunting and industrial animal processing.

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I did! Where?

Cuba definitely did not benefit. Which socialist democracies do you think benefited?

No, the point is it’s the hunting for sport that people find gross, not eating the deer jerky afterward.

Admits it

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This is a really dangerous ethical slippery slope too.

I defy someone to find the clear line between what kind of life it’s ethical the end and what kind it’s not. This always leads to debates around sentience, complex thought, ext.

If hunting for sport is gross then hunting for sport and eating it is also gross. Unless eating has a yet-unexplained magic. What’s the magic?