New Moderator Confirmation Votes: superuberbob, MrWookie, catfacemeowmers, Riverman, and SenorKeeed

Wtf is wrong with people?



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No matching IPs.

Mr. FromTucson was checked way back in that first vote, there were no IP matches.

am i missing something, or isn’t this just a play on mike loves orgies?

anyway, we have precedent for dealing with voter fraud. if the questionable votes make a difference to the outcome, then we can request the admins to review them.


Boring. Disallow it.

And this is where you pretend that I sock puppeted a gimmick account and used a proxy server fri Arizona To cast a vote that didn’t matter.

2/3 majority needed to confirm

So I am out

I believe you meant VPN, sir.

Looks like Wookie is right on the margin at exactly 2/3rds of 117 votes.

UPers love drama. Voting Wookie in will make sure we have hundreds of new About Mod posts per week.

I generally like Wookie and think he’s been a good, if imperfect like everyone, mod over the years. I appreciate his time spent volunteering and generally think we should encourage forum involvement.

That said, given the current dynamics of this forum, wookie winning on the number with keed voted down essentially on the number seems like a really bad outcome.


I haven’t voted one way or the other on SenorKeeed yet. Generally I think people who want to be mods should get a chance. However, I’m hesitating here mainly because of what happened when the forum was debating a proposal to create a sub-forum with different rules. My memory is that SK championed that idea, and I along with others put some work into creating a more concrete proposal that seemed to have interest from both sides. Then he and others who had been advocating the idea abandoned the project. It seemed counterproductive to me.


You mean the idea for the ghetto? Jeez I wonder why that got scrapped?

I encourage some vote trading amongst the yes/no’s for Wookie/keed and the no/yes’s for Wookie keed so they both pass.


I started championing that idea when JT and microbet and a few other I value a lot took a two week ban on the way to a permaban. I thought moving that idea forward would help convince them to stay, which I really wanted because I thought further subdividing of this forum isn’t sustainable (I still do). When they came off their temp bans the support for the proposal I made in their absence was lukewarm in “our” camp and then we abandoned it. I appreciate your effort, understand why you might have negative feelings towards me about that project, and apologize for wasting your time.

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Keeed was lost, and is found.

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I thought that was pretty funny, even if nobody else did.

I dunno if anyone hasn’t read this who needs to, but I think that will explain a couple of my votes. I voted against Wookie and for Keeed. Keeed has certainly annoyed me in the past, but I’ve also seen the sincere side of him, so I think he means it when he says he’ll do his best to be a fair mod. I don’t think in a vacuum Wookie would be a bad mod (despite disagreeing with a couple of his stances), but we’re not in a vacuum; this place has a history. I think because of that history, these two votes would be a step toward extending an olive branch to try to repair the divide in the forum. (To the extent people want to do that.)

And I voted against SuperUberBob because he made it clear more than once he didn’t want the job.

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I could change my Wookie “no” to a Keed “no” if that helps?

Current vote counts

Wookie 78 yes 41 no

Keeed 80 yes 42 no

Polls close in roughly 4 1/2 hours