About Moderation (old original thread)

Actually this is probably the best option if it’s available.

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as usual the very convenient double meaning of that acronym holds.


Is this really necessary?

You should really stop with the dickishness.

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Seems kind of dickish and feud-prolonging to point out perceived dickish was instead of flagging and letting the mods handle it.

Physician, heal thyself.

And jman didn’t need to reply at all. He chose to in order to escalate, while from the other side of his mouth he’s telling people not to be dicks.

This is what I talked about in my post. Pointless escalation and hostility is something that comes from both “sides,” but excuses like this are often only made for the one “side.”

If you guys want it to be a place where you can be dicks to those people and escalate, then fine, but if the actual goal is to figure out how to fix this divide, then that’s not going to help.


You’re right it didn’t come out of nowhere, but I think digging up something from 4 1/2 months ago to take a shot at someone is exactly the kind of thing that’s going to keep this conflict never-ending.

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Holy shit, Keed got in?

It’s a Christmas miracle!

Keed, you might need to stay off the mushrooms for at least a few days for this one. After that, nobody will notice, probably.


Are passive-aggressive sore losers (and winners) going to be modded as being dickish?

The warning about bans was specific to the COVID thread so probably not.


As used by Churchill here describes the calling out of a factually inaccurate post by him that even people on his “side” agree was factually inaccurate, so I have no problem with his use of my screen name in this fashion. I think this forum would be better off if more people “jmanned.”

Very well, I will formally withdraw my warning to churchill for that post.


43 posts were merged into an existing topic: Bickering about old drama

A post was merged into an existing topic: Bickering about old drama

A post was merged into an existing topic: Bickering about old drama

Yup. The vote for perma didn’t even meet the required threshold. And it only got as high as it did because the poll never closed. An honest mistake that (I think) you made.

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I reversed jman’s permbans because the community voted to temp ban accounts for 2 weeks before permanently banning them, just like the community voted to confirm sabo’s permban.

Pocketchads was so eager to overinterpret my request that he permabanned gimmick accounts that pretended to be me but where actually Fidget.

When PC reversed the perm based on the poll results at that time, the poll was way under the threshold required to perma. The poll was accidently left open for a month, and then the PC reversal was re-reversed by wookie, after being spurred on by Goofy. Even at that time, I do not believe that the threshold for perma was met.

The poll should have been locked when PC reversed his decision. Or maybe we should all have a perpetually open ban poll and if it ever reaches the threshold the ban hammer comes out?

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