New Moderator Confirmation Votes: superuberbob, MrWookie, catfacemeowmers, Riverman, and SenorKeeed

“My” having 50%, sir. The possessive precedes the gerund.

Please don’t ban me once you get elected.


Is your Russian grammar just as good? Now that would be impressive.

It’s OK. I wouldn’t describe it as “good”.

It’s a bit like my pool game. I can beat a few randos here and there, but it’s really not going to stand up to a decent player.

Extreme grammar nits have little else going on in their lives: a hot take.

Fuck you: hot take.

Also, you are 100% right.

Just remember Bob, nobody has liked more of your Czech Republic Covid posts than me.


I voted yes on everyone.

On this issue I am a low-information voter. I don’t post much and I’m not confrontational so I have never been moderated. I also don’t follow the forum drama and I am only vaguely aware of (e.g.) why some people don’t like Wookie.

I didn’t see any evidence presented in this thread that would disqualify anyone from being a mod. I don’t have the energy to search other threads.

To take one example, I find Keed’s arguing style to be somewhat passive-aggressive and annoying. But he seems to be pretty calm and I have no reason to think he’d be a bad mod.

SUBob claims he will be unfair. I think unfairness is fine if he is unfair in fair ways. I kind of want to see it. I assume he won’t just be throwing darts. I think some of the politics threads could use a little tough love. I have no patience for bad faith posting. Maybe some unfairness is required.

At any rate, it’s only for 6 months, right?


It wouldn’t be. I’d be playing wicked games like Chris Isaak.

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See, now I’m just curious

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The funny thing about English grammar is that it’s actually much simpler than most other languages (no gender, minimal cases, pragmatic sanction to disregard mood, etc.), but orthography is so insanely fucked up that it’s extremely hard to learn anyways.

Kinda torn on keeed. I think he would make good moderation decisions, but I’m concerned that he wouldn’t be able to constructively “lead” the forum on moderation issues due to personality conflicts.

Also bitterly disappointed to get to the end of this thread and find out that I can’t vote for d2. Just legendary posting in this thread.


I would love to see Keed as mod. One of the smartest people here.

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Pretty sure it’s gerund.

I said exactly the same phrase to an ex, and she thought I was wrong, too. She even said "isn’t it ‘gerund’, with a hard “g”.

Sorry, zara, I am right in this spot. Not in most, but in this one.


At this point catface and Riverman being approved and bob being a no seem like they’re locked in.

Wookie is currently at 73 yes and 36 no

Keeed is currently at 73 yes and 40 no

Where are the canine accounts to vote “no” when you need them?

Not sure if you’re talking about me, but I voted “no”. A very hard “no”, too, if I could vote twice, I would.


FFS, people.

It depends. How did this person vote?


It looks like in all the rules we ever passed on appointing mods for this forum, we never established any voter requirements.

Out of curiosity, can mods or an admin check to see if mikelovescorgies matches another forum user?