New Moderator Confirmation Votes: superuberbob, MrWookie, catfacemeowmers, Riverman, and SenorKeeed

Current vote counts

Wookie 78 yes 41 no

Keeed 80 yes 42 no

Polls close in roughly 4 1/2 hours

Not paying any attention anymore to the drama but voted yes to all.


Don’t think keeed in and wookie out on the number ideal either.

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Updated with the totals after clovis’s votes. Since this appears to be a close situation we’ll also be subtracting 1 Wookie yes and 1 Keeed no from the MikeLovesCorgis account that was created yesterday solely to cast those votes.

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It got scrapped because you guys care more about drama than helping the forum succeed.

@moderators - Do we want to do this here? I mentioned the ghetto comment because I thought it was fair to remind people of wookie’s role in the failure of the new sub-forum when Keeed was being questioned about it while they are both running for mod. I’m happy to hash it out again since it seems that’s what alex wants to do. But just take a note that I mentioned something which actually happened in context to the current discussion. While alex is just making shit up and attacking the poster and not the post. And of course he’s totally trying to avoid drama because he hates it even though he keeps finding himself in the middle of it.

I had forgotten about this aspect of it so I unhid your post.

I don’t think we need to use this thread to relitigate the alternate forum proposal, which I believe was made in good faith and not to create drama. Sometimes ideas just run out of steam in the face of adversity.


Voted no to all because I wouldn’t wish the job on anyone.


How many times have you been asked to stop dredging this up?

Take it to about moderation. I just reached a gentlemen’s agreement with otatop not to discuss it here.

Looking like Wookie will fail by the slimmest of margins and Keeed will basically depend on the recount.

Oh man, Keed short by exactly one vote.

Are you counting the no vote that the mod team already confirmed they are removing?

No, I haven’t accounted for voter fraud.

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Sigh. I voted yes to both but really wanted/was trying for a package deal as anything else is likely to be untenable.

If we all agree to accept the outcome of a fair community decision, the outcome will be tenable. (insert Portman meme)

I would like to change my vote for Keed from No to Yes.

I don’t see an option for changing my vote in the poll.

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The polls closed 1 hour ago.

They should end in 3 minutes based on the time stated in the OP but I forgot to account for daylight saving time. DrChesspain’s vote won’t end up being a decider so I’m going to count it as is.

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Final results:
superuberbob: Not confirmed
catfacemeowmers: Confirmed
Riverman: Confirmed

MrWookie received 80 Yes votes, 44 No votes (1 Yes vote was disqualified) for a 65% overall Yes vote: Not confirmed

SenorKeed received 85 Yes votes, 42 No votes (1 No vote was disqualified) for a 67% overall Yes vote: Confirmed

A Keeed No voter wished to change their vote to a Yes but due to my error setting up the polls was unable to, so if further votes are invalidated the totals to be considered are 86 Yeses and 41 Nos.