New Moderation Policy: Posting personal information will get you permanently banned

If your position is someone should remain a mod 7 months after their last post then you simply are not arguing in good faith. That is a patently indefensible position and any similar defence on another issue would be laughed at by the same people using it here.

As I said, I like CW, but he shouldn’t be a mod.

The same logic means I should be a mod on his site which I’ve never posted on.

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Someone doesn’t have to be a consistent poster to be a participant in this forum. If he’s been reading the forum and not just coming in when he gets told he was mentioned or to search for his name, then it’s plausible that he could be a good faith mod. Whether or not he actually is is a matter for debate.

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This is fair and I do agree you have been targeted by people who are not interested in acting like decent people.

However, I just can’t get there that we are all responsible to keep track of everyone’s usernames and past internet history. A rule indicting so is silly.

Your particular case is covered by rules about not harassing people. We don’t need crazy rules that require some historiography of every poster.

I also don’t think even you really believe you should be a mod here. You know why? Because I know you are a rational good person. You feel being a mod protects your past identity when in fact it does the opposite. If you simply resigned and never posted here your name wouldn’t come up again.


¿Porque no los dos?

Seems unlikely.

You honestly think someone should hold mod powers on a site they no longer post on for the sole purpose of modding their own personal information?

I know you don’t. Not sure why you want to throw fire on this one?

bc he’s all about the hypothetical

There isn’t going to be a rule or a pole that is going to fix any of this. It’s all going to come down to how each individual chooses to treat another.

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This x10000000

Setting boundaries and enforcing those boundaries is the key to just about any relationship, and prevents you from being taken advantage of by bad faith actors.

Keeed, for example, just broke a rule, was banned, told a mod to fuck off, came back and then broke the exact rule he was banned for immediately once returning. It’s not difficult to see why these temper tantrums and bullshit continues, they are tolerated if not encouraged by the actions of mods and admins.

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Those rules haven’t been enforced over the last few years, which I know because I’ve been constantly harassed by the same small group of people, so…

Counterpoint: I left for a year with no mod powers or anything, and lurked on a gimmick account. I was still harassed and trolled regularly. I was told early on by a mod that they would not be moderating my flags anymore since I was not an active poster.

Other counterpoints: in the seven months I have only been posting on Slow Pony Express, I’ve had my full real name posted on Unstuck twice, my initials were posted here several times, and my old username has been repeatedly posted here by a small handful of posters (90% is two people).

As long as that small handful of people is allowed to keep posting here with virtually no moderation or boundaries, they’ll keep doing this.

In the last quarter, I’ve read 12.4K posts and you’ve read 12.6K. So I’ve been around almost as often as you have. It’s not like I’m only logging in to search my old name. I have lurked the key threads. While I’ve taken no other tangible mod actions than editing out my old name, I did warn AQ of all people when I thought someone doxxed him. It’s quite ironic how he repaid me for that.

So I don’t really think there’s any reason I shouldn’t be a mod here, and I think me being a mod is at worst neutral to the community and probably has a small amount of benefit (if I see something very serious first, I will alert someone).

There’s also the fact that this outcome is about to reward AQ for doxxing me, which is a hell of a precedent to set just as grue has also had his identity revealed twice recently.

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Let me ask you if you feel you have played any negative role in the past several years fight? Are there any actions you regret?

The other thing I don’t understand is the connection to your old username and name is widely know here now. We don’t exactly get a huge number of new posters so it seems like there isn’t any actual risk here? By making it a thing every time you end up flaring up this huge fight that goes for days causing your old username to posted dozens of times when it otherwise wouldn’t be.

I don’t see how ignoring this all isn’t your most +ev plan by a mile.

It’s hard to see spiders actions here as anything but pretense for something he wanted anyways. There’s other inactive mods. There’s been even more other inactive mods over the past year. Don’t do shit about it until poor AQ gets let off with a light ban for something that would be a long term ban anywhere else with civil discussion.

I regret plenty of things, but I feel that the lion’s share of the blame is obviously on the small group that has been carrying out a harassment campaign for years, and I feel that the fact that this has continued over a 12 month and 7 month absence (and I’m only back right now because I was doxxed) is pretty good evidence of that.

I have explained this repeatedly, including in a direct reply to you. It has to do with Google searches.

I have literally not made it a thing and only deleted it quietly. The reason I’m here right now and that we’re having a big thing is that AngryQueer posted my real name in his profile to doxx me.

I think that someone who mostly reads and posts infrequently should be eligible to be a mod. I think your reasoning is sloppy and excludes people who mainly lurk as not being “real” forum members.

I don’t think it’s anything as nefarious as this; spidercrab doesn’t log into spideradmin all that often and probably didn’t look into commonWealth’s usage of the site any more than reading commonWealth say “I haven’t posted here in 7 months” and agreed with a post saying someone who doesn’t use the site shouldn’t be a mod.

I just searched your old username and it pops up with literal YouTube videos of you being interviewed with your real name.

All someone has to do is search you in any way and the two are obviously linked.

A search of this username and your name also links you on several UP threads.

I don’t understand what I am missing here?

The cat is out of the bag.

Sent you a message, but also:

Nothing CW has done justifies the doxxing and personal abuse. And I’m sure you don’t think Grue is somehow responsible for people posting his info.

Or he got harassed by SK, Jal et al when you started your new policy and caved to shut them up as a sort of compromise position. In fact, almost certainly that.