New Moderation Policy: Posting personal information will get you permanently banned

I haven’t defended any abuse. Quit the opposite. I’m making a point I don’t really see how this meets the definition of doxxing.

I don’t know enough about grues case. I think actual doxxing should not be allowed. I just don’t see how posting widely known information can honestly be called doxxing.

What about someone who leaves, starts a competing site, and takes a lot of valuable posters there with him?

come on now

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I like to needle both sides with my posts

I’ve never claimed that was the same thing, but if I were mad about that, I would certainly go about getting my revenge in a much more meaningful way than the ridiculous weak-ass child’s play that certain parties have engaged in. That I haven’t done so suggests that I don’t care enough to want any sort of revenge.

Does posting commonwealth’s previous username count as doxxing?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Not sure

0 voters

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This poll is going to get low participation because even the substantial fraction of posters who despise me aren’t going to want to debase themselves to the extent it would take to mash the “Yes” button

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The focus on whether what happened was technically doxxing is fucking stupid. The guy doesn’t want his old user name being posted, just be decent people and respect that. You already chased him off, you won! Now shut the fuck up and move on.



Maybe the ex-mod who was removed because his modding was so egregiously biased it divided the forum irrevocably should develop some self-awareness and shut the fuck up.

You can’t measure how many posts someone actually reads. All you have is a figure of how much scrolling someone’s done.

■■■■■■■■■■■ knows this and is arguing in bad faith, to put it politely.

Just an FYI about how creepy certain people on this forum can be, when I had a spat with 6ix a few months ago, someone took a screenshot of something I said on here and posted it on my facebook wall. I’ve never really cared about protecting my identity, but still, that was a huge wtf.

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You’re just embarrassing yourself now.

What the fuck?

Something like this is way worse than using someone’s old screen name imo


Right what you haven’t explained is the actual harm involved. You haven’t and won’t because it doesn’t exist and the forum humoring your grandiose delusions is embarrassing.

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Something like this would be actionable here if it’s obvious who was harassing you on Facebook.



What do you think would happen in the case of one UP poster PM’ing another poster elsewhere imploring him to kill himself?

I would ban the user making the threat (jmakin) and then unban them when the person who was threatened (■■■■■■■) asked for the threatener to be unbanned.

My only regret is that you’re still here. It’s easily my biggest mistake. The forum was irreparably divided before I did anything, thanks to you.

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CW has aspirations towards greater things and worries that being linked back to here can be used against him, even if it’s just association with unsavory people and viewpoints that he doesn’t even agree with. Delusional? Perhaps. Maybe he’s high-strung and what people are doing is harmful to his mental health.

It’s not onerous to stop referring to him by previous names. To keep doing so to feels like the intentional dickishness of repeatedly deadnaming a trans person.