New Moderation Policy: Posting personal information will get you permanently banned

you sure about this? like, really sure?

OK, so we agree that the catalyst was controversial poster **** rounder popping up here and abusing his mod privileges.

Seems like removing his mod status will be approved, problem sorted.

I’m not sure what you’re getting at.

that cuse’s real name wasn’t used by AQ in his profile. AQ says he didn’t and given all the unfounded accusations, it’s not unreasonable to ask if you’re really sure

Yes, I’m aware he changed 2 letters. As I noted above, I don’t see that making a difference.

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there kinda is tho, PollyA

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You guys ever identify um lol a bipolar consciousness of sorts because of the experimentation with particular ideas. Ideas that you’re exposed to through the universe? And how a perhaps intentional departure might change something?

Don’t worry I know that looks like an IP address but I changed two numbers so it’s fine.

This is the level of weirdness we’re at. Jal is referencing a story I told only on SPE and is trying to weaponize it here to fuck with me. That’s how pathetic he is, and yet nothing is ever done and nothing changes. A community that actually gave a shit about not being a toxic shithole would have banned him long ago.

Objectivity in a post-truth world is out there.

They started last weekend by me. Better than the neighbor who shoots guns every weekend for fun

Just googled ■■■■■■■■■■■ and the only hit for UP was this:

I paused my activity after the goreo debacle until it was clear that CW wasn’t posting here anymore. Still, I’m ambivalent about him having mod privileges. I don’t mind him snipping out mentions of his prior sn or real name, but him having unfettered access is problematic imo. Looking forward to another few months of relative calm once this shit show gets sorted out.

Dude these people are completely off the fucking wall. Yesterday one of them mentioned my ignore list like really? I said like a year ago I put these people on ignore in some post somewhere, you fucking remember that and “weaponize it”? You dox me with the web app I made 7 years ago? Why? Who the fuck cares.

Fucking weirdos.

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What are people even talking about?

We are talking about an obscure Internet forum with a couple hundred members right?

Clearly there is a difference between info shared by a user and using admin/mod privileges to access and publish info.

But this is why most folks are probably uneasy with CR having mod privileges.

Edit: took out the personal attack because I don’t think he is a bad guy, just think he is a little out of line here.

Doxxing, harassing, and abusing people are not only against the terms of service that everyone agreed to, but they’re generally shitty things to do. Mods should ban people who violate these terms. And rather than continuing to argue in PMs about this, my view of doxxing and harassing includes:

  • Listing someone’s personal information in a post, profile, or PM. Yes, that includes spelling Johnny Smitherton as J0hnny Smitherton or Johnny Fmitherton or Johmmy Smitherton.
  • Posting or pointing to information that reveals users’ personal information. For example, I think it would be ok to note that user X has a phd in science if that user has discussed it and has not objected to it being made public. But it would not be ok to say, “User X got a phd from ABC university in 1962” or to link to ABC university’s phd alumni with a suggestion of which alum is user x.

These are things that I support the mods acting on, and that I would be fine moderating in my role as admin as well.

In a normal world, this wouldn’t be a problem, even though there’s inherent subjectivity involved. I could imagine inadvertant slipups that are handled like this:

  • “Hey, you mentioned that I used to work at X. Would you mind deleting it?”
  • “Oh, sure, sorry”

But after today’s posts and PMs (let alone the prior history), it seems like there are users who are intent on figuring out exactly where the subjective line is, and who will insist on their right to harass and abuse other users as much as possible without going over what they think the line should be. That behavior should continue to be moderated and it shouldn’t depend on endless legalistic arguments about exactly what is or isn’t doxxing.


And just to make sure I’m completely upfront: I agree with the temp bans on both @AngryQueer and @6ix, and I would be in favor of perma banning posters who repeatedly engage in doxxing/harassing posts/PMs/etc.

I do think that @SenorKeeed got caught up in what turned out to be a tough position for @otatop and even though I understand @otatop’s decision, I’m happy that he overturned that ban.


If you’re trying to say that this place needs a singalong I agree. C’mon, guys!

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Like hmmm there’s Trump. there’s your uncle billy bob, head of the local militia. Their ideas are war for the millionth time and that a magical capacity to love the sinner will flourish afterwards

Im curious about ideas. Are you curious?

Here are the ideas of mother Teresa or someone else so dedicated. Here are the teachings of Christ.

Can you identify that these are different ideas objectively, then use that as a portal into ideas lol

Maybe you should demod the mod who threatened another poster’s reputation and livelihood before the mod whose greatest crime is not posting, but that’s just me.