New Moderation Policy: Posting personal information will get you permanently banned

The definitively dickish (and totally unreasonable) thing would be insisting on people calling you by one name in one bar and by another name in another bar with some of the same people present in both.

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Sure? That’s not what the rule was about. The rule, titled “Posting personal information will get you permanently banned,” is about protecting personal information and poster’s and former poster’s privacy. I agree with the spirit of that rule as expressed in the rule title. Why the unrelated “don’t use old user’s screen names if they don’t want you to” was tacked on is a great mystery to me.

Sure! You’re one of a handful of people who insist on typing out ■■■■■■■■■■■ instead of “cuse” or something shorter, even in the face of being asked specifically not to post it, so I didn’t see it as something that would need to be enforced often.

I never would have had to type that pompous blowhard’s screenname out at all if you hadn’t forbidden me from doing so. And wouldn’t have, why would I? I was simply pointing out that typing ■■■■ ■■■■■■■■ has exactly the same harm as typing out c*se rounder. Which is to say, none at all, and was simply being insisted on to give you a cudgel to use selectively against the posters you despise.

lol fix your filter bro!

There’s also the option you stop being a ■■■■ but that ship sailed years ago.

I was about to reply to this post and noticed you used a banned word

At least have the decency to be honest - as this is utter bs. CW had largely fucked off. He hadn’t posted here in months. The only thing he did was occasionally edit out his old username (which I agree was dumb, but wasn’t some major issue, and he had edited one post in the last 5 months). Despite that, for some reason, two weeks ago AQ decided he needed to change his profile name to CW’s real name (yes, he changed two letters, but it’s essentially the same idea).

You clearly were not happy to let CW leave in peace, you still wanted to be able to torment him for his past crimes.


The filter didn’t tip you off? I guess any excuse to evade a filter is a good one, eh?

Stop being one to the likes of you and your absentee, delusional fellow moderator? Pass.

I’d like to lodge a complaint that my neighbors are already setting fireworks off I mean come on that’s ridiculous.


We don’t have total visibility of all proscribed words. Only mods can see them.

Maybe you called him something worse than a c***, like an eDem? Now that would be brutal.

He’s a mangiac!

Let’s experiment with ideas and keep things civil. And anoint a panel of our peers to render verdict.

It’s been resolved, I believe.

I’ve been told CN has some great ideas on how to complain to the police about noisy neighbours having children’s parties.

I agree! He edited one post of mine a long time ago and I was like OK that is insane, but who cares. I objected to the crazy rule of a weeklong ban (followed by a permaban!) if someone mentions his old username, which is like ten times more insane than rounder editing posts. Otatop then saying that it wouldn’t come up often, well, sure, because you’re permabanning people for literally nothing, they’re going to be on their toes. It’s like the straight to jail meme come to life and made even more crazy. I mean at least if you overcook fish there’s an injured party with an articulatable harm.

I just hope your mentor MISTER wookie doesn’t see it.

Mentorship programs available

Nope. This site offers more than enough ridiculous posts for anyone without c*** rounder popping up like the proverbial bad smell and making himself the centre of things yet again through numerous notifications people are getting that their posts are being edited by him, a non-contributing ex-poster.

We had a long period of relative peace with very few bans here once a small number of problem posters left for SPE.

So tell us - what do YOU think is the reason for the break out of aggression after so long?

The current drama is pretty clear - lots of people really dislike each other and won’t let go of the grudges. When an issue arises (here AQ decided for some reason he needed to post CW’s name), lots of people are going gladly take that as an opportunity to rekindle old fights.

CW didn’t pop up here until after AQ name checked him.