New Moderation Policy: Posting personal information will get you permanently banned

lol otatop just edited my post, as it says in the note, to add italics and bolded

Why the fuck did he do that? Any legitimate moderation reason or is he just fucking around? Who knows.

I added ■■■■■■■ or ■■■■■■■ or ■■■■■■■.

Having the exact quote seemed very important to you but it obviously goes against the request to not post the full screen name and the filter implemented to censor the full name that came after it was originally posted so as a compromise I made minor edits that I think will keep it from being searchable and made a big ass note that I did so.

The filter doesn’t filter what I posted. I was expecting it to be filtered when I copied and pasted but it wasn’t.

■■■■ ■■■■■■■■

It was important to post what I wrote because it shows what a fucken maniac you were acting like. Banning for a week for literally nothing, threatening permabans. I don’t care if you filter ■■■■■■■■■■■, cuse rounder, ■■■■ rounder, whatever. Makes no difference to me. But decide what’s filtered and stop capriciously threating selective enforcement of your insane rules against your enemies.

That’s some real shit filter you’ve created if it’s case sensitive.

Silly me only filtering the actual username and not figuring out a way to also filter any variant with spaces in it without also filtering the word “rounder” from every post. I’ll get right on it.

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Make sure you do.

I already had this filter added, any suggestions to improve it?

I mean you think you’d include the exact variant you banned me for a week for typing into a word rectangle.

You might want to add “pompous twat”


cW had already edited one of your posts and we had a whole exchange in this thread warning you not to post the old name, it’s not like it came out of nowhere like you’re pretending.

Check the post directly above yours.

Pretending? The post where I quoted my banned post explicitly says that you banned me for failing to obey your crazy edict. Yes you warned me not to type ■■■■ rounder into the word box. I pointed out that typing that set of characters was harmless and that you were refusing to even articulate a harm, let alone one that would justify weeklong banning and permabans.

No, no. I wouldn’t make that assumption.

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nice ty

should probably add it to the op too when you get a sec

oh damn I guess otatop deleted the post where he admitted that the “don’t post old usernames” rule wouldn’t be enforced much? Only instantly and with tremendous glee against those obstinate posters he despises. Should have taken a screenshot. Sad!

Ah, the old “I’ve had PMs”.

Re the rest of your “concerns”: you’ve put so much of yourself out there on the internet under your real name and your c*** rounder name, it’s far too late to worry about what people make of it.

All this has done, as people are saying, is draw Streisand levels of attention to it, and for once I don’t think attention is what you want.

If you’d chosen to just fuck off instead, you and your ridiculous posting history that you’re understandably embarrassed about might have faded away out of people’s memories, but no, instead we got the usual trademarked song and dance routine.

You guessed wrong

Something something proud non reader etc.

Proud non reader? I knew about that post because I read it.

Calling someone something they have asked not to be called seems like the dictionary definition of being a dick. Particularly, since no one here who would be doing would be doing for any other reason than to be a dick to someone they don’t like.

Y’all constantly complain you don’t want modding but when someone makes a simple request that costs you nothing to follow, you force moderation to happen because you have no impulse control.


Couldn’t bother to scroll up for it though, just wildly accuse me of covering things up.

But thanks for finding it for me. Can you explain why you banned me for a week for violating a rule that you later assured other posters wouldn’t be enforced much?