New Moderation Policy: Posting personal information will get you permanently banned

I’m not stopping anyone from figuring it out.

if you ask no one to use it, you can be added to the list. it’ll be like you didn’t exist before up started

I make no such request.

The previous screen name for all of these users has been added to the forum filter, so the request to not post their previous screen names has been removed from the OP.

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EDIT: :+1:

This was the post that I was banned for a week for and threatened with a permaban:

Like I don’t even understand the rationale why cuse rounder can’t be referred to as cuse rounder. It’s not a reasonable request and I certainly don’t understand why anyone should humor it. Let alone why you think you should ban someone for a week or forever for typing a pseudonymous name in a word box. And not only that particular name, but ANY old name? Like explain what the hell is going on here. It’s insane.

At the time, otatop didn’t even have the “by user request” in his edict. It was just “don’t call people by their old user names”. He edited that “clarification” in after the fact. And then implied that I broke the reasonable rule against personal information. A vile lie, he just gleefully banned someone he despises for the grave crime of Not Obeying. Very serious, to be sure.


And I’m not playing games with circumventing the profanity filter, that was my post from Friday, character for character.

This is a fair point because 6ix doxxed grue the exact same way AQ did but because of the moderation history and rules here I have to pretend 6ix just coincidentally posted the exact same thing and hope that he won’t do it a week again from now.

No, it wasn’t in the OP, but it was in a string of replies between us

And then you made your post you quoted.

I don’t despise you or anyone else on here, no matter how many times you accuse me of it.

So people shouldn’t be allowed to choose what people call them?

Oh? Why did you falsely imply I linked rounder’s irl personal information with his usernames here? Just a little bit of fun, ban a user for for a week for literally nothing and then lie about it. I’m sure you’d do that to any poster here.

And then does it in his first post back. Solid work.

Actual consequences and following through are important. Otherwise you get no changes in behavior and you’re actually encouraging further temper tantrums. SK and his buddies know they whine enough, they’ll get out of the consequences for their actions. It’ll just be worse next time… and there will be no changes in behavior as evidence by above.

don’t call me Barbra here even though I have called myself that in the past, and currently do in a million other places including multitudes of my own posts here. mkay

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Sure? Failure to do so shouldn’t result in a permaban, especially if there’s no articulable harm. Like if rounder’s old username was some derivation of his actual name? Sure. There’s an easily articulable harm there. A capricious demand to never mention his old username when there is no such harm, and no explanation for it? Of course people shouldn’t be banned for failing to comply with that.

this guy has requested to be added to the list:

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I’m Spartacus!

That guy’s IP only matches @tralalalala and adding the word “victor” to the filter would catch other words like victory so I’m going to decline the request but can certainly add dntTaseMeBro_orDOXme.

so first names of posters are acceptable then if they’re known. seems like this could be a problem

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Is not what I said. Arf arf arf.

Let me explain, and I’m going to @WichitaDM here as well since I think you’re both discussing this in good faith.

I don’t have a problem with people on this forum knowing my name, and I understand that ship has sailed. However, my old screenname is forever linked to my real name in Google searches. Which is fine, however on this corner of the Internet, a small group of people has been harassing me for years and has posted a handful of false character attacks that I don’t want linked to my real name. One person here specifically threatened to ruin my reputation in the poker world. My real name has been posted, my initials have been posted, and I’ve had creepy PMs using my real name and referencing personal facts about my life.

Since UP doesn’t do moderation, I asked to have my username changed and to have people stop referring to me as the old username to try to prevent UP from showing up in searches for my old screenname, the last line of defense against stupid Internet drama bleeding into my real life.

I stopped posting here seven months ago and have only been posting on SPE since then, I don’t want to be involved in any drama. The fact that this harassment of me has continued for seven months after I stopped posting should make it obvious who does and does not want drama.

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getting you to make any sense is not easy. woof woof.

your explanation doesn’t apply to all the derivations of Victor that can be used and was requested to be removed. do you need him to spell them all out for you, so you can add them to the filter?