About Moderation

I think this is a reasonable assumption, i.e., that the filter rule is executed once when the post is initially submitted rather than every time a post is displayed. So I wouldn’t expect past posts to be impacted by a newly created rule.

I was looking at the profanity filter this morning for the first time (to make sure I knew how to do it if that’s what I ended up wanting to do), and I’m positive the n word was already there.

Right, I added it a few months ago when 6ix posted it and since his post remained unchanged I assumed I hadn’t added the word correctly or something but as TheDuker pointed out it makes sense that it only filters new posts.

So instead of adding it now and actually preventing what cuse wanted prevented, you allow it so you can permaban people you don’t like.


Oh, right, I misunderstood.

No, I did add it now. It has nothing to do with liking people or not.

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You know if you want UP to be like SPE, you can just stay there right? Seems useful for this place to be run differently than that one


Why was the UP democracy poll thread closed?

Why were posts in that thread deleted?

Why was my post in this thread deleted?

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Sabo was using the thread to troll people and the poll is a foregone conclusion.

They were baseless accusations.

Because this thread is About Moderation, not About Gloating.

Thanks for stopping by.

Deleting posts and locking threads because you disagree with them is abusing mod power.

It wasn’t gloating and I would have preferred the more appropriate thread but you locked it. The post was on the topic of moderation.

I appreciate your input.



What does “deleting” an account mean? Also, why did @Surf have his deleted?

All posts and the user are deleted.

Seems they requested it.

Deleting an account is just what it sounds like - the user no longer exists and their posts and PMs are deleted, as well. If they started a thread, that entire thread is deleted, as well.

I have recently granted these requests, just because it seems like the kind thing to do. But it’s actually a pain in the ass, depending on how many posts the user has and how many topics they’ve started. It also really disrupts the user experience here, because deleting posts from within a topic can make it unreadable. And deleting entire topics is terrible, obviously.

So far, I’ve been manually looking up any topics created by to-be-deleted users and changing ownership of those topics to a fake user @ThreadStarter so the topic isn’t deleted when the user is. But that is a one-at-a-time manual process that is an enormous pain for anyone with more than like 3 topics.

Anonymizing accounts, which is both easier and results in a better user experience for everyone else is FAR better.

More discussion here:


How is this not at least a 24 hour time-out for disgusting racism?

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You’re one level behind. Unless you’re accusing simplicitus.

Ah yes, next-level racism is aktshually just fine, really.

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Something about the tone of your posts obscured it for years, but now I can never unsee how breathtakingly stupid you are.