New Moderation Policy: Posting personal information will get you permanently banned

Wow I thought Otatops analogy was bad. Well played.

Information wants to be free…

The thing I don’t get about your rule is why is it my job to keep track of 100+ posters various names they have used over the years? I’m just not willing to use my mental space for that.

I don’t get the name change thing in the first place, and certainly don’t see how it’s everyone else’s problem when a poster chooses to change.

What’s your 2+2 username?

It’s not, and 99% of users here don’t have to worry about it. When was the last time you typed out commonWealth’s entire previous username?

The majority of the forum doesn’t type it out either and the handful of users who do have made it obvious they’re doing it as a form of harassment.

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How dare you not respect Barbara Streisand’s request to be called Barb here, and here alone



These users have requested their previous screen names not be posted.

ETA: AngryQueer was originally included in this list but that was an incorrect assumption on my part.

It’s almost like here and here alone is the only place I can moderate. :thinking:

Barbra* appreciates your commitment to (her version of) law and order


probably should put this in the OP, since you’re all diligent now

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Why shouldn’t people refer to the poster by using the alias he most commonly uses himself on the World Wide Web?

It’s like someone calling himself Bob in every bar in town apart from one, also frequented by some of the same people, where he insists on being called Bill.

lol At all the bootlickers here.

I’m not stopping anyone from figuring it out.

if you ask no one to use it, you can be added to the list. it’ll be like you didn’t exist before up started

I make no such request.

The previous screen name for all of these users has been added to the forum filter, so the request to not post their previous screen names has been removed from the OP.

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EDIT: :+1:

This was the post that I was banned for a week for and threatened with a permaban:

Like I don’t even understand the rationale why cuse rounder can’t be referred to as cuse rounder. It’s not a reasonable request and I certainly don’t understand why anyone should humor it. Let alone why you think you should ban someone for a week or forever for typing a pseudonymous name in a word box. And not only that particular name, but ANY old name? Like explain what the hell is going on here. It’s insane.

At the time, otatop didn’t even have the “by user request” in his edict. It was just “don’t call people by their old user names”. He edited that “clarification” in after the fact. And then implied that I broke the reasonable rule against personal information. A vile lie, he just gleefully banned someone he despises for the grave crime of Not Obeying. Very serious, to be sure.


And I’m not playing games with circumventing the profanity filter, that was my post from Friday, character for character.

This is a fair point because 6ix doxxed grue the exact same way AQ did but because of the moderation history and rules here I have to pretend 6ix just coincidentally posted the exact same thing and hope that he won’t do it a week again from now.

No, it wasn’t in the OP, but it was in a string of replies between us

And then you made your post you quoted.

I don’t despise you or anyone else on here, no matter how many times you accuse me of it.

So people shouldn’t be allowed to choose what people call them?