
I agree that ponies aren’t usually funny, but it is sometimes helpful to know why no one is interacting with your post. If this is because the discussion already happened, that’s nice to know.

Is it about three fiddy?


People complain about stuff all the time here, nbd.



Nailed it.

I thought about pointing out the pony of you complaining about pony posts because I’ve been doing so for months now, but that might break the Internet so I’m not going to do that.

It’s time to permaban @churchill.

Hmmm a perma seems way too strong for a first abuse offence.

should also see you perma’d in that case. But I guess we’ll do that thing again where a different set of rules apply to you.

Ah yes responding to someone who launched a slew of personal attacks on one of the most mild mannered regs on the site is exactly the same as:

  • Mocking said reg for being stuck alone at Christmas, which he’s said is an extremely depressing event

  • Taking joy in him having to risk his life teaching in person

  • Attacking his career as a teacher

  • Attacking him for being single

  • Suggestion he has erectile dysfunction and mocking him for it

  • Suggesting he fornicate with his aunt and sisters


  • Calling the person who said all those things a world class piece of shit

  • Calling the person who said those things the dumbest poster on the site

  • Calling the person who said those things the biggest asshole on the site

  • Telling the person who said those things to fuck off


Like this system where my post gets hidden because, presumably, @Jalfrezi and @churchill flagged it is a joke. If a mod wants to edit it, whatever.

Churchill’s posting is consistently horrendous, his attacks on @superuberbob were indefensible, and telling him to fuck off was an appropriate response.

I know you’re trying to help but: phrasing.

Yes I reported your post. I don’t know why you couldn’t do what suzzer did and put him on ignore for a bit after reporting his post.

imo he should probably be temp banned for a day or two and then take it from there.

People still don’t have church hill on ignore? :joy:

We went three days without a pissing match itt. A new record. We need one of those tickers to track this vital statistic.

Dude that’s probably the worst personal attack I’ve ever seen on this site, directed at one of the most mild-mannered posters on the site.

A timeout seems in order imo.


If you think he adds no value to the site (I don’t agree), that he’s an asshole and blah blah blah put him on ignore.

I’ve got half a dozen fuckers on ignore and I’ve been much happier since doing it.

The moderation system on this site is pathetic. To have this clique of assholes hiding posts because they’re TL3 or TL2 or whatever is a joke.

To equate a vulgar defense of one poster with an absurd attack on another is a joke.

We are giving too much power to regular posters to user-moderate people they don’t like for the whole forum.

Oh ok, so now it’s not about Churchill any more, it’s about your precious abusive post being reported.



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Me putting him on ignore is not the point. This isn’t about his useless drivel in that thread. The shit he said to Bob is so over the line it deserved the response I gave it and then some. I toned it way down from what it deserved imo.

He should be banned.