COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

One of them is X days into developing antibodies, the other is X+3 days in. It appears to be important that your antibodies get out in front of it early before the virus hits some sort of tipping point that makes it a severe case.

First they refused to let us post in rainbow colors. Then they took our ability to know whether a gif will load or turn into a jpg. This place is really going downhill.

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First they came for our rainbow text and I said nothing
Because I do not use rainbow text

Then they came for our memes and I said nothing
Because I do not post memes

Then they banned churchill and I celebrated because fuck that guy


  • Patients were part of the same family cluster; viral inoculum may have been higher in this group than in patients who are infected outside of the home.

Well I found one source that at least suggests the second part of the theory. Still seems like common sense to me. But I know lots of things in science turn to be counter-intuitive.

I’m old enough to remember when the vast majority of the forum here went to bat for the initial Remisdivir studies and how it was a game changer.

Weirdly enough when this place first opened up we did have rainbow text and that was another feature the Discourse Gods decided ruined conversation or something.


Thanks a lot ggsnoreo.


You can’t do what you’re trying to do. This is a dumb derail.

Edited: My overreaction to the moderation system on this site was a fucking disgrace.

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@GrittyNHL wtf bro


More chits in the bin for schools do spread.

Bottom line is that when things are out of control you close everything you can.

When under control you open things that are important but you keep unnecessary things closed like indoor food and drink (or come with a ventilation standard).

Necessary manufacturing>schools>> all else

May even serves good purpose to plan some hard shutdowns say 2 weeks after 6-8 partially open. Prevent the damn thing from really getting going.

If we had real test and trace we can readily ID which activities are the most risky and either shut them down or figure out how to do them safely.

Of course it would be nice to support our travel and entertainment industry folks through the shutdowns.


The premise is correct, but it will seed hundred of thousands of infections a day for several weeks seems better.

I think he is inferring chains of transmission.

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Went to the library for the first time since the pandemic because I need to print out some stuff. Almost completely empty and usually it’s quite busy. Very bizarre.

I think so too, it just isn’t clear that he is from how it is written.

I heard Rick Scott liked cake. The baker kind of fucked up the eyes and my crazed psychotic grin.



Gritty’s being overused imo


For my only library trip, they would only keep the library open for several 45 minute shifts per day, then kick everyone out before the next shift. Presumably to force people to complete their business quickly…

1m+ infections on Thanksgiving alone seems very possible. The polling indicates 40% of people are ADMITTING to having a 10+ person get together or attending one. That alone is 150m Americans. Add in all the people lying to the pollster out of shame and all the smaller get togethers and I don’t see how we don’t have a complete explosion from here. A 20 person thanksgiving in someplace like Kansas, the Dakotas or Illinois has to be roughly a 90% chance of someone being pozzed. the prevalence is that high. For the vast majority of the rest of the country it is probably 70-80%. Let’s say if there is someone at your thanksgiving pozzed you have a 50% chance to get pozzed. Let’s also use the low end of the liklihood of having someone pozzed at your large thanksgiving and say it is 60%. That is still:

150m*.5*.6 = 45 million Americans pozzed on Thanksgiving.

If my math is off by 10x that is still 4.5m Americans pozzed.