COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

lol amazing. Donald Trump has completely destroyed the bar that we are giving pieces of shit like Cuomo an Emmy for what he did


Well to be fair Cuomo’s response, which was largely terrible, is still a top 10-15 response for US governors. Compared to Trump literally anything would have looked good.

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He and DeBlasio majorly effed up early which gets swept under the rug. Basically NY/NJ/PA went the wrong way with nursing homes by having positives/assumed positives taken out of hospitals and into nursing homes. I think to free up hospital beds but it was very deadly.


i’d also like to point out that he stole my avatar catchphrase.

i guess at this point he’s overused it enough that it’s his, just pointing things out for the principle.

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Hate to see it. One good nominee and several excellent candidates


it’s also fairly standard for nursing homes to move out patients on flimsy grounds to clear beds for better paying cases. there’s actual regulation that gets audited and enforced. that was another reason for cuomo’s actions early.

You make Gritty sad. Gritty was only replying to people who called his name. Now Grittys gonna go hibernate from the Unstuck people who don’t love him anymore.

Maybe I’ll punch a few fascists to cheer myself up, or pour water on Rudy Giuliani’s “hair.”

Farewell my FAAFO Friends,


That man does not speak for me.


I believe there’s a blow up doll floating around here somewhere if you need company.


Also on CBS.

We can exercise our powers to withhold our donations until the gods bring back rainbow text!

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Hey so I can’t get into this right now fully, but this take is super duper wrong. Cliffs are that people had to get out of the hospital and that spread into nursing homes came from the community, not from discharges.

I legitimately have never used my one time. Even for trump snr. (I trusted in his age and weight, foolishly)

I think im gonna do it…

One time!!!


Sr. would carry on with open for business if Jr. dies.


Ok I’m done yelling at car dealers.

So this might be difficult to cite on my phone, but part of it will just have to be my experience.

Basically, hospitals had to discharge people. We could not have covid+ patients who were fine take up critical resources. We had people in chairs because we had run out of beds ffs.

Nursing homes… also fuck them up their motherfucking ass. During the worst of the peak I was on nights, and basically every nursing home in the area tried to send their suspected covid patients at once. Thanks assholes. They dumped everyone with the slightest of covid symptoms to us… all on the same night. They then refused to take them back. The rule they had to take them back came the next day from the governor. It was a godsend. We didn’t have room for their nonsense. We barely could cope with the patients we had.

This nys report should be enlightening.

The cliffs are that workers gave it to the residents.

NYSDOH further analyzed the timing of the COVID-positive staff infections and the timing of nursing home deaths. Based on published data, the average length of time between COVID-19 infections to death is between 18-25 days.1 Therefore, the link between the timing of staff infection and nursing home mortality is supported by the fact that the peak number of nursing home staff reported COVID-19 symptoms on March 16, 2020—23 days prior to the date of the peak nursing home fatalities, which occurred on April 8, 2020. It is likely that thousands of employees who were infected in mid-March transmitted the virus unknowingly—through no fault of their own—while working, which then led to resident infection.

NYSDOH also examined the potential impact of the NYSDOH’s March 25,
2020 admission policy. A survey conducted by NYSDOH shows that approximately 6,326 COVID-positive residents were admitted to facilities between March 25, 2020 and May 8, 2020; this finding is supported by an independent analysis done by the Associated Press on May 22, 2020.2 However, an analysis of the timing of admissions versus fatalities shows that it could not be the driver of nursing home infections or fatalities. An individual nursing home-by-nursing home analysis of admissions versus fatalities further supports this finding.

A causal link between the admission policy and infections/fatalities would be supported through a direct link in timing between the two, meaning that if admission of patients into nursing homes caused infection—and by extension mortality— the time interval between the admission and mortality curves would be consistent with the expected interval between infection and death. However, the peak date COVID-positive residents entered nursing homes occurred on April 14, 2020, a week after peak mortality in New York’s nursing homes occurred on April 8, 2020. If admissions were driving fatalities, the order of the peak fatalities and peak admissions would have been reversed.

Edit: should tag @Danspartan

The nursing home order was changed later, in May I think IIRC? Patients who were fine stayed in the hospital for weeks until they tested negative at first. We could only do that because everything else was basically empty at that point.


Yeah if all we get out if this is Herman fucking Cain I’m gonna be pissed.


The evidence grows stronger every day.

I have no choice but to vote Republican

The Republicans think this is the reason for most of the first wave NYC deaths.

The Cuomo killed the elderly take isn’t totally legit, imo. One, for the reason Caffeine noted, we couldn’t allow hospitals to overflow with patients that didn’t require active hospitalization. The order Cuomo signed specifically said that nursing homes must allow COVID-19 positive residents back IF they were able to effectively care for them, otherwise the state would take them.

The beef is mostly with nursing homes, in my opinion. Many took the residents back without the ability to adequately quarantine them or provide proper PPE for their caregivers. The pessimist in me feels like $ was invoked in lots of those decisions.

It was honestly a confluence of shitty options, but the narrative that Cuomo killed grandma by forcing pozzed up olds back into nursing homes is a pretty misleading interpretation.

And I say this as a New York resident who is lukewarm at best on pre-COVID Cuomo. But, I’ll be forever grateful for the way he communicated with the citizens - people like my mom - who aren’t plugged into Twitter. It was a really, really bad time and he legitimately did make a lot of people feel better and that there was someone steering the ship.

I’m sure there were tons of mistakes made, but man it was really intense there for a while and we were working with almost zero information.

Ok, that’s the end of my being a Cuomo apologist lol.