COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

The consistent media message was that nursing homes were ordered to take in positives without adequate PPE or procedures to prevent spread. I yield to first hand knowledge.

I stand corrected. I do know from my SIL in Ohio that it was hospice, PT, beauticians, etc rotating through facilities that were the major points of introduction.

Thanks for the update.


Obviously one of the best nominees ever. Likely not a winner, bummer.

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So this is going to post sideways I’m sure, but we got introduced to Mr Heater today. Worked very well. Got a nice socially distanced outdoor table and some excellent Italian food (mmm Bolognese).



WTF with Trumpworld guys not getting the virus from their significant others. First it was Steven Miller, now Jr.

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Nursing homes had and continue to have shitty infection control. I’m not going to pretend to know the financial side of running one of those places, but they aren’t set up to deal with the flu let alone a novel pandemic. Upgrading your run of the mill nursing home to deal with airborne diseases is cost prohibitive without serious government support to do so I’m sure.

The first wave of nursing home massacres lands squarely on the obese and pathetically weak shoulders of Trump. They made zero preparations when the virus was rampaging through Italy. We had the time and the foreknowledge to know we needed places to isolate stable but infectious patients due to hospitals getting overrun, but we did nothing to try to make that happen.


Ben Carson:

“President Trump, the fabulous White House medical team, and the phenomenal doctors at Walter Reed have been paying very close attention to my health and I do believe I am out of the woods at this point,” he added.

When Trump had Covid-19 last month, he received Regeneron’s experimental antibody treatment, which is still in large-scale clinical trials but has been available for compassionate use – something the FDA has to approve on an individual basis, as it did for the President. The company in October applied to the FDA asking for emergency use authorization of its antibody treatment.

It’s not clear how the President could have cleared Carson to take the antibody treatment or if Carson got Regeneron’s treatment. Eli Lilly, which also makes a monoclonal antibody treatment, declined to comment when CNN asked if Carson had been given their treatment. CNN has also asked Regeneron if Carson received their treatment.

CNN has reached out to the Department of Housing and Urban Development for more information on Carson’s treatment.

On Friday, Carson thanked people for their support and prayers and urged people to “stop playing politics with medicine and instead combine our efforts and goodwill for the good of all people.”

“While I am blessed to have the best medical care in the world (and I am convinced it saved my life), we must prioritize getting comparable treatments and care to everyone as soon as possible,” he wrote. “There are a number of promising treatments that need to be tested, approved, and distributed (sooner rather than later) so that the economy can be re-opened and we can all return to a semblance of normalcy.”

Pretty sure that politicians and their families are getting any vaccine before the rest of us.

Sorry about the tone, I get heated on this topic because it’s a common right wing argument.



I want nothing more than for concerts to happen, missed out on a ton of travel to shows this summer/fall and fucking Costco yesterday made me feel like I needed a hazmat shower. Unless they do flaming lips bubble style I don’t see how it could work and I’d be freaked out the whole time anyway. Didn’t read his article.

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I just assume their SOs are the same soulless ghouls that their male counterparts are and have no interest in any intimate relations other than using the prestige of the relationship for their own gain. So, they’re all perfect for each other.

Sounds like Thanksgiving is going to be no fun in Canada.

I bet I could have gotten quite a bit of action on o200k covid cases a month ago. We didn’t hit 100k ever until exactly 3 weeks ago:

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To give context, Ontario has had roughly 1200-1600 new cases every day for the last week and a bit. 14.6 million people live in the province and probably 60% or more live within a 1.5 hour drive of downtown assuming no traffic. Toronto and Peel are probably around 4.5- 6 million people. (Peel is the region just to the West of Toronto, Mississauga, Brampton, and others).

Lockdown imposed is pretty damn strict and there’s not a region in the US with more than a couple million that has fewer cases per capita than the hottest of spots in Ontario.

i was looking forward to seeing jacob collier, before corona. still salty.

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26 out of 50 us governors are worse at governing that doug fucking ford. sad!


so, did canadia pass the thanksgiving experiment?

Our Manitoba lockdown is even stricter now. Gatherings outside limited to 5
Only to interact with people in your household indoors
Non essential places closed for the public
Big box stores not allowed to sell non essential items

My turkey is still alive, just on a different level.

You have to imagine that there’s a tight correlation between school mask mandates and general mask mandates, which could be driving the overall rate of infection.