COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

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Can’t say they haven’t done a good job with that.



Can you imagine Trump being able to fly in a fighter jet to an aircraft carrier?

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A lot of people are saying I fly strongly in fighter jets. I know more about fighter jets than Tom Cruise’s character in that movie about fighter jets.


Rich people live in big houses and hate each other.

Not from me - I try not to make the same mistake twice.

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Update on my sfil’s fall and surgery. He has apparently been having cold symptoms today and my wife, who has been helping him and also spent time in the hospital, feels a little tiny bit feverish. She’s looking to get tested tomorrow. I’m spending the night watching over him.

Eta: keep those likes pouring in.


if it makes you feel any better, it’ll probably be for the wrong strain

and they’re the guinea pigs for any long term effects

I’m better looking too, right? Love me, suburban women!

Yup and the less serious they take it at school the more likely they have gathering at home and you know 200 kid parent sponsored events like that steakhouse in dumbfuck Missouri.

My 3 employees are all insisting on going home to their families for Thanksgiving. They are the special ones doing it carefully.

Socially distant masturbation is actually quite safe. The pool boy community on the other hand has been devastated.


Well we know Ben isn’t getting it from his wife, DoRY Shapiro.


On the other hand a lack of humidity may make it easier for the virus to spread…


If you’re Cuomo and you know they’re only doing this to troll Trump, obviously you accept and talk about it every opportunity

I don’t know how Georgia’s numbers are so much lower relative to other states. I assume they’re fudging.

No way their wives sleep in the same bed as them. They’re basically acting like Melania.

What else is new?