COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

In related news, ecological changes have caused giant creatures to invade the cities of Japan. The Japanese have responded by building robotic mecha-wolves. It is a real-life Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla kaiju situation being played out in Northern Japan right now.



What do you mean?

Well apparently I’m going to Costa Rica for 10 days. Everyone itt who encouraged me - blood is on your hands.

We’ll be on the beach, in the cloud forest, or scuba diving the whole time. It’s hot and humid and everything will be outdoors. So it should be fairly safe. Unless I catch it from her.

The plane ride will probably be the most dangerous part. It’s a 6hr nonstop from LA. I used my miles for first class and picked seat 1A both ways - seemed safest. One time no superspreader in 2A please.

Costa Rica seems to be hanging pretty steady at 1000 new cases per day, which would be like 70,000 for the US. Not great but not as bad as the US right now.

I’m going to tell my mom this girl could be the one who can bring her grandkids - even though there is zero chance of that. It’s the only way she won’t have a meltdown over me not coming back to KC for Christmas because of covid, but going to Costa Rica instead.


oh… fuck

Traveling during a pandemic, lying to your mom, risking catching covid abroad…



Meh if you get it just don’t give it to anyone else. Also 70k not great but not as bad is an interesting line.

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Swedish model results so far: vastly higher deaths than other Scandi countries, economy still in the toilet, mandated lockdowns now and herd immunity nowhere in sight.


Wtf, it’s 6 hours to CR from LA? It’s 3 from Orlando.

Was like “wat no way”, checked, it’s 4.5 from LA to Orlando.

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I guess it would help if I looked at a globe every once in a while:


Is old Anders on display in a public square yet?

We are counting on you to lockdown right on your return. I suggest testing your mask setup for comfort. I did a KN95 with cloth over top. Got warm. Maybe one of those neck cooler things would help with comfort? I read somewhere that Vaseline along the edge of the mask/skin seal can help keep your skin from getting itchy and rashy for long times.

Def recommend bringing your own straw for drinking. Smoothies at airport if you don’t to take it off for the plane food.

And of course she has to take the same precautions as far as your personal safety.

Expect a great TR after. A quick post if you want on getting there but otherwise put the internet on ignore.

Getting personal for a minute here. My son (that is quitting drinking) I think is going to be going through a challenging time at the holidays. The tennis facility he’s been doing drills at is closed due to MN lockdown orders. His friends that he has standing online game night are Dads of young kids so that is probably going to be sketchy through the holidays and a lockdown.

His Mom is local but a total flake, having turkey with her next week but she didn’t shit for his bday this week and he ended up having freezer pizza by himself. His local sister is pretty much on complete quarantine due to pregnancy. I expect his work will be going back to remote or split shifts in the office.

Not feasible for me to go there or him to come here based on current quarantine rules. But will say eff it depending if it seems necessary.

So to all that are going through this alone- what are you doing to try and stay sane (without Alcohol). Thx.


Suzzer living up to that new avatar slogan :+1:


I had tickets to a show by my favorite band on March 12. I am very salty as well.

Follow the link at look at the 10 second animation. I couldn’t directly imbed.

From the comments.

There would be so much less confusion if we just renamed it Southeast America.


This is such a huge leak. Citiots will be driving all over the suburbs looking for a place to eat pancakes, lol.

Big news will be coming out soon that proves there was rampant fraud with the numbers. I demand a recount! Must match signatures on the death certificates! Our observers weren’t allowed in the morgue! We asked to be within six feet of the count, best they could do was six feet under the count.

*Two times. Be safe, have fun, and please strictly quarantine when you get home.