COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Sub in for his friends and have zoom game night with him. Be there for him. It’s all you can do. As someone who has had the talk in my head about quitting alcohol hundreds of times but never really even got to the point of getting serious about it what he has done is a big accomplishment. I would just reach out to him as much as you can and try and plug the holes as much as you can.


70,000 cases, not great, not terrible.

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If you guys stay out of the beach bars and restaurants it should be mostly ok. In other words if you behave how you do at home it probably isn’t too much risk. I have my doubts as to whether someone traveling from Europe to CR can possibly be taking covid seriously though so I can forsee issues when she wants to hit the bars. The bars will be full of other people not taking covid seriously and your risk and then the risk of everyone you come in contact with after increases dramatically.

Not trying to rain on your parade too much but that would be my main concern. Have fun and stay safe.

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I am surprised anybody from LA is allowed to go anywhere without testing and quarantining. Well, not surprised I guess, but that’s what should be happening. We’re lousy with the COVID here.

Getting lots of messages from clients that they’ll be out of town next week because they’re going home for Thanksgiving. And this is from a place that is theoretically taking the pandemic seriously. I have to imagine the rest of the country is mostly just going ahead with their regular holiday plans.

For the seven-day period that ended Friday, an average of 10,981 people in California were reported to be infected daily — a number that has more than doubled in just the last two weeks. That is even worse than the peak in the summer, which until now had been California’s worst spike of COVID-19, according to a Times data analysis.

For the first time, California has recorded three days in the last week where more than 13,000 new infections a day have been recorded.

And hospitalizations are up 61% statewide over just the last two weeks.

But few places are facing a more critical crisis than Los Angeles County, home to more than 10 million people.

The county recorded the highest average daily number of cases so far in the pandemic, with an average of 3,613 people reporting new infections daily over the five-day period that ended Friday. That number has nearly doubled in just two weeks — a sign of how the virus is spreading faster than ever before.

Los Angeles County recorded 4,158 cases Friday, according to an independent tally by The Times, a pace that places the region at risk of needing to order further restrictions on business operations. On Thursday, L.A. County reported its largest number of cases in a single day in the history of the pandemic: 4,943.

Hospitalizations continue to climb in L.A. County, rising more than 75% in the last month. The coronavirus test positive rate has jumped considerably, from 3.9% at the start of November to 7.1% on Wednesday.



My brother’s wife just tested positive. She went out of town with a couple friends to celebrate her 40th birthday. One of the crew found out she had it and pozzed my brother’s wife and the other friend. Symptoms are moderate, according to my mom.

On the other hand, my roommate who went to Vegas for a bachelorette party last week, just tested negative. shrug


Class A shade



Would be nice if you could get a test and a same day result.

That’s awful. My wife has a little group of 11th and 12th graders from a local girls school volunteering on an archiving project one at a time. The young lady today told her the whole 10th grade glass has gone virtual after there was a sleepover party and the host mom pozzed and had to inform everyone at the party. School may expel the host family. Dumbasses.

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“don’t go to libraries” lol Sweden

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I’m now expecting the graph of COVID cases to go so exponential it goes past vertical, mystifying scientists as the sheer will of mankind allows us to time travel just so we can create more COVID cases faster. Where there’s a stupid will, there’s a stupid way.

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Just a shit ton of backhoes and shovels.


Heritagenothate gonna set yall straight on masks:


Infallible logic ftw.


Yeah… I could attempt to have a conversation. If it was my brother I’d probably tell him that I whole I didn’t remember dropping him on his head as a child, I am prone to forgetfulness and cannot be certain that I did not… and since there is no other possible explanation for that logic I am sorry.

This is why I can’t convince family of anything. I get super offended that people who seriously cannot tie their shoes are really arguing with me. Seriously. Me. The person they call when they need money.


This fuckin guy is routinely visiting my parents as well.

Even the most deplorable people I know are on team mask at this point. What percentage of the population do you think is still anti mask?