COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Suzzer getting a pass for this is super lol


In rural TN I routinely see people without masks on. A lot of bars and restaurants are open.

Yeah lol I get dragged for working 12 hours a month in an N95 and otherwise avoiding almost all indoors situations and religiously maintaining distancing outdoors.

Suzzer’s going to Costa Rica for intercontinental fun and sex and everyone’s basically like, “Don’t forget your sunscreen! Trip Report please!”

But suzzer is nice to everyone, so :man_shrugging: I expect to be treated more harshly and that’s fair.

And for whatever it’s worth, yelling at suzz for this would be kind of like yelling at a shoplifter during a mass shooting. USA#1 is about to do some SERIOUS covid work for the holidays.


Well that is disappointing. (About mask)


Excess deaths will count it eventually

Sometime in Q1 next year we will find out that we had at least 500k excess deaths in 2021

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It’s important to note that we are for sure undercounting by a good bit right now. We won’t know how many people died from COVID happening until a year after it’s over.

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Last numbers had us at a 57% undercount, so it’s pretty bad

Right but those will be fake Biden administration numbers to make Trump look bad and 40% of the country will never accept it as true.

One of my big fears right now is that we’re about to cause a massive amount of death to have Thanksgiving, but you’d think at least that would spare us doing it again at Christmas. If we blow through testing capacity though, cases will appear flat.

Prepare for a couple weeks of “See libtard? Thanksgiving didn’t even cause an increase! And you libtards wanna cancel Christmas? Fuck your feelings!”

People will start dying en masse just as we begin causing the second massive surge at Christmas.

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We’ll never agree. Trumpers think we’ve been massively overcounting.

It’s going to end up being like 600K official, data scientists and liberals say like 1.2M, conservatives say like 80K. CNN is gonna be like “Who’s right? YOU decide! Here are Kayleigh McEnany and Van Jones to yell at each other.”


Good news is a lot of states are locking down, which typically would flatten the curve and send it down again.

Bad news is holidays, college kids returning home, etc will basically more than counteract the lockdowns and then people will be tired of lockdowns and we’ll open back up right at start of year and be in worse shape than now but no lockdowns, making January maybe the worst month of them all.

Who cares what they think. This is an argument that won’t matter at all until the historians are looking at it 50 years from now. Don’t worry 2020 will get three chapters of the general histories of this century… (and hundreds to thousands of specific works on it) Fucking ridiculous year.

The propaganda environment is part of that history too. They’ll be studying it to figure out how people could be suckered into going out and dying for the dow for hundreds of years. This period of toddlerhood for social media sure is fucking nuts. I’m really looking forward to how this gets fixed. I almost don’t care what it is.

My life is perpetual lockdown.

Fraction of Americans who know what continent Costa Rica is in: .1%.

North Dakota has the same amount of new cases/day at about 1/8th the population. ND would be 500,000 new cases a day if it was the US.

All the “lockdowns” are pretty weak from what I have seen. Even worse than March.


Spending the rest of our lives hearing that argument after almost all of us have lost a loved one is going to be brutal.

Really can’t imagine being one of the fortunate few on indefinite wfh with a job that pays well and deciding you want to do some international travel. Quite literally in a better situation than 95+% of Americans and having it just not be good enough.

But I’d also be crazy if I was still living alone right now, so I can’t really judge.

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I’m already into the stage of coping where you think of them as sick and hope to find some kind of cure before it’s too late. That’s all I have for that. It sucks. This time period is probably the one that our generation is known for, so I guess it’s time to go to punch the clock?

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My wife is waiting in a car line for a test today. She’s not feeling great. The line is like a mile long. She’s hoping to get through some time in the next 5 hours. This isn’t just Trump’s fault. Newsome sucks. Of all the things that could be done fast testing seems like the first and most important thing that government should do.